Freedom from Alaska!

Category: False Flags? Page 1 of 8

9/11 Never Forget But Also, NEVER REMEMBER | Candace Ep 63 — Israeli involvement in 9/11 and subsequent wars for Israel

True, except a 757-size plane DID HIT and enter the Pentagon, PROVEN here. Only 18 minutes:

David Chandler: AA Flight 77 at the Pentagon

Candace Owens

Judge Nap: Of the TWENTY terrorist plots since 9/11, THREE were foiled by the public. The SEVENTEEN that were interrupted by the Feds were CREATED BY THE FEDS

Israel’s Second 9/11: How Zionism Conquered JFK, America, and Palestine (Documentary Film)

Israel killed JFK and RFK, and Israel did 9/11 — with US deep state that they manipulated.

Related: He Can Prove Israel Was Behind JFK’s Murder and 9/11: Interview With Documentary Filmmaker Matthew Tower

07:13: Kennedy Peace versus Israeli Conquest
44:10: Israel’s Operation Cyanide and Plans for a Nuclear Attack on Egypt
1:03:44: Israel’s First 9/11 and the War of Terror
01:31:04: Do We Live in a Democracy?
01:53:17: Israel’s Puppet Show
01:54:19: Israel’s Second 9/11 and the U.S./Israeli Genocide in Gaza

Follow @TruthTowerPod on X and Visit

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He Can Prove Israel Was Behind JFK’s Murder and 9/11: Interview With Documentary Filmmaker Matthew Tower

Related: Israel’s Second 9/11: How Zionism Conquered JFK, America, and Palestine (Documentary Film)

The Kim Iversen Show LIVE | July 11, 2024

Tonight we have a conversation with documentary filmmaker Matthew Tower, the creator of Israel’s Second 9/11: How Zionism Conquered JFK, America & Palestine. Watch the documentary here: Follow Matthew on X here:


Candace: The REAL reason JFK was killed — ‘Operation Northwoods’

“False flag events are a reality.”

Candace: NO American should die for Israel — The IDF knew!

An0maly: Candace Owens Questions 9/11 & James O’Keefe Drops Anti-White Disney Leak! My Reaction.

Lauren Witzke: CONFIRMED: Netanyahu ordered the Israeli military to STAND DOWN for 7 HOURS during the Hamas invasion

CONFIRMED: Netanyahu ordered the Israeli military to STAND DOWN for 7 HOURS during the Hamas invasion.

I sat down with Jewish Charity leader, Cecily Routman, who received intel directly from her Israeli Rabbi and other top level government sources.

While I do not agree with equating the Palestinians to “rabid dogs”, I understand why Israel wanted Gaza completely wiped from the face of the earth- they only needed a reason to do so, or else the UN would have intervened due to the war crimes and genocide.

It wouldn’t be the first time a nation’s leaders sacrificed their own citizens to start a war.

Maybe it really is Israel’s 9/11.

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Cecily Routman: “Israel as the most sophisticated intelligence in the world. There is no way the government didn’t know that that was going to happen.”

Routman explained that Rabbi Chananya Weissman “sent out a missive that, indeed, the IDF was given stand down orders – both the army and the air force – seven hours to stand down while those attacks took place. And this allowed the terrorists to come in and begin slaughtering and torturing the citizens,” she said.

911 – PROOF of WHO DID IT! — Israel’s Major Role!

911 – PROOF of WHO DID IT!

Crash Course: 911 Inside Job – John B Wells LIVE

Mike King’s book: CRASH COURSE: 9-11 INSIDE JOB: Debunking the Official Story in Just 1 Hour

Great. quick overview of Israel’s heavy involvement and other issues, but Mike gets some things wrong. Israel’s reason is not only the Greater Israel Project. As Talmudists, they’re also definitely globalists, believing their superior race will rule over all Gentiles (who have lesser souls) once their ‘messiah’ comes.

He also says the planes could not have gone through the outside steel walls. Researchers have studied this. The mass at that high speed would have been substantial. Many believe the planes were switched in-flight with remote-controlled drones that could have had beefed up wings to withstand the tremendous forces on the planes at low altitude at such high speeds.

Also, the towers’ walls were put together in small sections with bolts. So the bolts are probably what gave way.

Many people saw the planes hit the towers with their own eyes, along with being recorded in video from multiple angles.

Starts at Minute-1:44:30

Netanyahu extending/launching wars to delay his “expiration date” — will face political reckoning for allowing the October 7 attack to happen

US Officials Expect Israel to Launch Ground Invasion of Lebanon

February 29, 2024

US officials believe that Israel is planning to launch a ground invasion into Lebanon in late spring or early summer if a diplomatic solution is not reached, CNN reported on Thursday. …

US officials have acknowledged that a war in Lebanon would benefit Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is expected to face a political reckoning for allowing the October 7 attack to happen once Israeli operations in Gaza are over.

“Once the war is over, his expiration date arrives,” an administration official said. “So he needs to maintain the impression, maintain the narrative that Israel is still in the middle of a campaign, to try to stave off efforts to remove him.”

BBC: They were Israel’s ‘eyes on the border’ – but their Hamas warnings went unheard — It became a dark joke: who would be on duty when the inevitable attack came?

They were Israel’s ‘eyes on the border’ – but their Hamas warnings went unheard

14th January 2024

For years, units of young female conscripts had one job here. It was to sit in surveillance bases for hours, looking for signs of anything suspicious.

In the months leading up to the 7 October attacks by Hamas, they did begin to see things: practice raids, mock hostage-taking, and farmers behaving strangely on the other side of the fence.

Noa, not her real name, says they would pass information about what they were seeing to intelligence and higher-ranking officers….

Survivors of 10/7 Nova Music Festival Sue Israeli Security Establishment for Failing to Protect Them — Officials had information about a possible Hamas attack the night before but didn’t say anything

Survivors of Nova Music Festival Sue Israeli Security Establishment for Failing to Protect Them

Israeli officials had information about a possible Hamas attack the night before October 7 but didn’t say anything to the festival organizers

“Dad, is Santa Claus a hoax?”


Santa Claus: The Great Imposter — “Ho! Ho! Ho! I Am God” — Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent | Santa = Satan; elves = demons | Saint Nicholas never existed?

Alex Jones w/ Jimmy Dore: “Israel Stood Down” on 10/7!

Starts at 2:23:15

Israel Knew Timing of 10/7 Attack!: Months before 10/7, Gaza source told Israel’s security agency about Hamas planning ‘a big move’ shortly after Yom Kippur (9/25)

Report: Shin Bet dismissed Gaza source’s tip on plans, timing of major Hamas attack

“They KNEW October 7th was coming and they made MILLIONS on that knowledge” | Redacted News

The official story is that Israel had no idea the October 7th attacks were coming… They were caught totally off guard. The most sophisticated intelligence organization in the world simply didn’t know anything at all. That’s what we’re told. And yet… now we know that investors knew the October 7th attack was coming… they made huge trades and made millions of dollars short selling Israeli companies right before the attack.

Benjamin Netanyahu ‘proud’ he supported & funded Hamas to stymie two-state solution — creating all this chaos!

It’s all been about the Greater Israel Project: from the Nile to the Euphrates.


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‘That’s true’: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ‘proud’ that he stymied two-state solution

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, under intense fire at home, has made an extraordinary – and defiant – admission.

In the wake of Hamas’s atrocities on October 7, Mr Netanyahu has been accused of deliberately propping up the terrorist group, which rules the Gaza Strip, and undermining its political rival Fatah, which seeks a peaceful two-state solution with Israel.

“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas,” the Israeli Prime Minister reportedly told members of his political party back in 2019.

Sam Parker: Did Israel Allow October 7th Hamas Attack? Potential False Flag To Enable Nakba 2.0

Stew Peters Network

Israel Knew About Oct. 7 Attacks Over A YEAR AGO! – NY Times

The New Israeli/Palestinian Boy Band That Flew To America The Day Before The Hamas Attack

US music executives just happened to put this joint Israeli/Palestinian band together right before the 10/7 attack.

Who famously controls the US music industry and TalmudVision?

(Israel let it happen) Raphael Hayon identified thousands of transmissions that prove with certainty Hamas training before the attack. He warned Israeli officials in real time, who then took away his equipment!

Raphael Hayon identified thousands of transmissions that prove with certainty Hamas training before the attack. He alerted and informed the IDF and senior security officials in real time. They revoked his license and took away his equipment; returned it after Oct. 7, when they wanted his help (Efrat Fenigson on X, 11/22)

Nurit Peled (Israeli founding general’s daughter): ISRAELI GOV. KNEW Hamas would attack & disarmed the area “a very short time before the attack” — Israelis who lived there saw Hamas’ preparations, etc.!

Nurit is Miko Peled’s sister. They are children of a founding IDF general.

1:52 “I think many people expected it [Oct. 7th] to happen. I think the writing was on the wall. The government was warned by the army and by the intelligence, by the people who lived there themselves, who saw preparations and so on. But the government chose to ignore it. Not only that, they took the army out of this border, and they took most of the weapons from the units inside the Kibbutzim, who were supposed to guard the places. And this happened a very short time before the attack.”

🚨 MUST WATCH: Solving 9/11, the Deception that Changed the World ✈️🇮🇱

There has been a lot of controversy lately about people questioning Israeli involvement in 9/11

Christopher Bollyn spent two decades researching this topic – this is his case. Make your mind up for yourself:

Talmudic NWO Terrorism, Deception & Blackmail – DuckDuckGo-search the following:

DuckDuckGo-search the following:

‘Irgun terrorism’
The Lavon affair’
‘Bombing of King David Hotel’
‘The USS Liberty sir American Ship’
‘The Dotan affair’
‘Steve Rosen Cocktail Napkin’
‘Fake control room Dimona’
‘The Apollo affair’
‘Mossad JFK Sandler’
‘Kosher Nostra’
‘Epstein Mossad’
‘Jonathan Pollard’
‘Dancing Israelis Urban Moving’
‘Israeli art students’
‘Project New American Century’
‘New Pearl Harbor’
‘Douglas Feith Doctored Intel’
‘Larry Franklin’
‘Weather Underground last names’
‘The Frankfurt School’
‘Magnus Hirschfeld’
‘Bolsheviks ethnicity’
‘Rosa Luxembourg’
‘Trotsky real last name’
‘Bernadine Dohrn real last name’
‘Weather underground white children’
‘Rothschilds Balfour Declaration’
‘Ben Freedman 1961 speech’
‘Israel Pegasus’
‘Spy devices DC Israel’
‘Leo Frank ADL Guilty’
‘The Romance of a People video’
‘New Pearl Harbor’
‘Daily Veracity books burned’
‘Marching to Zion’

10/7 Nova music festival attendees received a text message to not bring weapons (active military are normally armed everywhere they go)

10/7 Israeli Nova music festival attendees, incl. active military received a text message to not bring weapons to the event. Normally, IDF carry their weapons everywhere.

Israel’s False Flag Strategy, Gen. Moshe Dayan (1955): “Israel must INVENT DANGERS… must adopt the METHOD of PROVOCATION and REVENGE…. let us hope for a new WAR so we may finally GET RID OF our troubles and ACQUIRE OUR SPACE”

Gaza – Israel Has Longtime Policy of False Flags

November 13, 2023

Netanyahu has hoodwinked his nation and the world into embracing war by using the oldest trick in the book, the false flag attack.   Think the USS Maine, the Gulf of Tonkin, USS Liberty, 9-11…

The state…. must see the sword as the main if not the only instrument with which to keep its morale high and to retain its moral tension. Toward this end it may — no it MUST — invent dangers, and to do this it must adopt the method of provocation and revenge…. And above all, let us hope for a new war with the Arab countries so that we may finally get rid of our troubles and acquire our space.” (41)

Moshe Dayan May 1955


John B. Wells: Gaza incursion contrived to set off the protests and activate sleeper cells & extract the 1.5 billion barrels of oil and 1.4 trillion feet of natural gas under Gaza

Related: False Flag: Israel Let Hamas Attack Happen On Purpose So Israel Gets the War Mandate… – 21 POINTS — Problem > Reaction > Solution

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“This entire thing with the so-called Gaza incursion into the state of Israel was contrived to do one thing: set off the protests and activate the sleeper cells that have been ready in some cases for many years.” – John B. Wells, CTM Ep. 2166 at 47:45 (pre-show)

At 1:10:45, John talks about another “possible motivation”:

“A possible motivation for this, in my opinion, phony and staged invasion of the state of Israel by the insane Gazanians. Did you know that situated underneath the Palestinian territory are 1.5 billion barrels of oil and 1.4 trillion feet of natural gas?”

John then puts it all together during the show that’s played on 1700 stations across the USA at 1:28:58!


Judge Napolitano: Would Bibi Netanyahu have allowed the slaughter of some of his own citizens, in order to acquire the pretext of international respectability which would be used to justify this kind of invasion?

Would Bibi Netanyahu have allowed the slaughter of some of his own citizens, in order to acquire the pretext of international respectability which would be used to justify this kind of invasion?

@Judgenap asks former CIA Operations officer @philipgiraldi

John B. Wells: “Is there any possible way that the IDF didn’t know that that attack was coming? No, zero.”

“Is there any possible way that the IDF didn’t know that that attack was coming? No, zero.” – John B. Wells, Caravan to Midnight 10/28/23

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