China has a serious foot shortage problem which will be exaggerated when global cooling starts. They’re afraid of their own people uprising. “A starving person has nothing to lose.”

America probably has anti-gravity aircraft. China may attack sooner, before our highest tech weapons are operational, Nyquist suggests. Skousen thinks they’re fully developed, and the globalists will use them after the US is attacked to take charge

46:00 Covid-19: China compromised Americans, including Fauci so they would be involved in developing Covid, so China couldn’t be blamed, and Fauci is controlled.

Weaponized smallpox could kill 60% of Americans. “Could you imagine the panic if there was a virus like smallpox that is 60% fatal. If people are panicking at something that’s only killing .03% of the population.”

1:14:00 Russia/China may only use localized EMP weapons, so the nuclear power plants won’t melt down, which would destroy the water table, so they couldn’t live or grow food there.

PART II: Bioweapon 2.0: Is This China’s Next Move?

Oct 7, 2021