Compare to Jesus:
“Love your neighbor as yourself.”
“Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called children of God.”
From: infowars
Obama Selects General Who Likes Killing Muslims to Centcom
Kurt Nimmo
July 8, 2010
Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis has been selected to replace the globalist Gen. David Petraeus who was selected to replace Gen. Stanley McCrystal who made the mistake of dissing the anointed one, Barry Obama. Mattis will fill the post of CentCom commander previously occupied by Petraeus.
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Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis: “It’s fun to shoot some people… You go into Afghanistan, you got guys who slap women around for five years because they didn’t wear a veil… So it’s a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them.” | |
Gen. Mattis has the same habit of speaking his mind as McCrystal. Eric Garris writes today that Mattis was quoted back in 2005 as saying he finds pleasure in shooting and killing people in Afghanistan. “Actually it’s quite fun to fight them, you know. It’s a hell of a hoot,” Mattis said, prompting laughter from some military members in the audience, CNN reported on February 4, 2005. “It’s fun to shoot some people. I’ll be right up there with you. I like brawling.” Mattis, who commanded Marine expeditions in Afghanistan and Iraq, made the comments during a panel discussion in San Diego, California.
“You go into Afghanistan, you got guys who slap women around for five years because they didn’t wear a veil,” Mattis said. “You know, guys like that ain’t got no manhood left anyway. So it’s a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them.”
Mattis was talking about the Taliban, an ultra-fanatical Wahhabi sect installed by the CIA and Pakistan’s ISI and funded by their Wahhabist brethren in Saudi Arabia. The Taliban “came from madrassas set up by the Pakistani government along the border and funded by the U.S., Britain, and the Saudis, where they had received theological indoctrination and military training,” writes Phil Gasper, a professor of Philosophy at Notre Dame de Namur University. “The Taliban’s brand of extreme Islam had no historical roots in Afghanistan.” It was planted there by the U.S., Pakistan, Britain, and Saudi Arabia.
Mattis led the attack on Fallujah, Iraq, in 2004. The attack violated Article 6(b) of the 1945 Nuremberg Charter that describes the “wanton destruction of cities, towns or villages” as a war crime.
“Preliminary estimates as of December of 2004 revealed that at least 6,000 Iraqi citizens in Fallujah had been killed, and one-third of the city had been destroyed,” Peter Phillips and Project Censored reported in 2006. “Countless violations of international law and crimes against humanity occurred in Fallujah during the November massacre,” including the mass slaughter of Iraqis and the use of illegal weapons such as cluster bombs, napalm, uranium munitions and chemical weapons. “According to Iraqis inside the city, at least 60 percent of Fallujah went on to be totally destroyed in the siege, and eight months after the siege entire districts of the city remained without electricity or water. Israeli style checkpoints were set up in the city, prohibiting anyone from entering who did not live inside the city. Of course non-embedded media were not allowed in the city,” writes Phillips.
“The last three times that that general has been in combat, when he was leading Marines in Afghanistan and the two times that he led his division in Iraq, his actions and those of his troops clearly show that he understands the value of proper leadership and the value of human life,” said Marine Gen. Peter Pace, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, after Mattis made his comments about the joy he experiences after killing religious zealots installed by the CIA who slap their women around, a practice likely gleaned from instructional books issued by USAID (an “aid” organization that works closely with the CIA). Pace issued his praise after 6,000 Iraqi citizens were massacred in Fallujah.
“The post General Mattis is taking is a critical one at a critical time,” said Bush era retread Robert Gates after Mattis was selected. He described Gen Mattis as one of the military’s “outstanding combat leaders and strategic thinkers” and added that the “general’s insight” should be used in the future, presumably in Afghanistan, according to the BBC.
General who said it was ‘fun to shoot people’ takes over US Central Command
Richard S. Lowry
The above article provides this quote:
“Preliminary estimates as of December of 2004 revealed that at least 6,000 Iraqi citizens in Fallujah had been killed, and one-third of the city had been destroyed,” Peter Phillips and Project Censored reported in 2006. “Countless violations of international law and crimes against humanity occurred in Fallujah during the November massacre,” including the mass slaughter of Iraqis and the use of illegal weapons such as cluster bombs, napalm, uranium munitions and chemical weapons. “According to Iraqis inside the city, at least 60 percent of Fallujah went on to be totally destroyed in the siege, and eight months after the siege entire districts of the city remained without electricity or water. Israeli style checkpoints were set up in the city, prohibiting anyone from entering who did not live inside the city. Of course non-embedded media were not allowed in the city,” writes Phillips.”
There is absolutely no data to indicate that “6,000 Iraqi citizens” were killed in Fallujah and I challenge the author to provide a credible source for this statement.
Again, there was no “mass slaughter” of Iraqis.
No illegal weapons were used; notice that no weapons were specifically mentioned.
Cluster bombs were not used in the city.
Napalm has not been in the US Arsenal since Desert Storm where Napalm bombs were only used to set oil-filled trenches ablaze prior to the ground attack. No napalm was used in Fallujah.
No uranium munitions were ever used in Fallujah. Again, I challenge the author to produce credible evidence that they were.
And certainly, no chemical weapons were used in Fallujah – ever.
I spent three years of my life researching and writing the story of the fight in Fallujah. If the reader is interested in learning what really happened in Fallujah, they should read “New Dawn: The Battles for Fallujah.”
BTW, General Mattis was not even in Iraq in November, 2004, he had already moved on to his next job.
Reader beware, this author has not validated any of his claims.
Jeff Fenske
Whether you’re right or not in your claims about Fallujah (I suspect you’re not totally), you’re missing the point of the article. This general is sick, mentally. He has no business leading a military force. Killing people who are made in God’s image is not supposed to be ‘fun.’
Richard S. Lowry
I would strongly suggest that you find General Mattis’ original quote and read the entire context before you make such a judgment as to his character.
Jeff Fenske
Here you go: , which isn’t surprising. This is what immoral warmongering does to people. Many soldiers dehumanize the ‘enemy’ to try to not feel guilty. But then calling it ‘fun,’ ‘a hoot’ is a totally different level.
Richard S. Lowry
OK, now we have a little more context, but still not the entire quote of what he said or to whom he was speaking. He was talking about “guys that slap women around.” Please don’t get me wrong, I am not defending what General Mattis said, I am only asking that you dig a little deeper and not take what you read on the internet on face value. I know that the outrageous claims in the original article are NOT TRUE. There was no November “massacre.” There were no “war crimes.” My point was that readers need to dig deeper before accepting such claims on the internet. And, don’t believe what I have told, do some research on your own. Knowledge is power and a “lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth can get its boots on.” Mark Twain.
Question everything!
Jeff Fenske
He was talking about Afghan men in general, who he thinks it’s fun to kill, and then he gives this one example.
So sir, even if all Afghan men slapped women around, would that make it okay for us to kill them, and then do it with great glee! “Yippy!”
And why does any human being anywhere think we have a right to kill people in other countries who aren’t attacking us?
We did slaughter them over there, and the media blackout doesn’t make this any less true.
Pro-reverse-Christian war Americans have largely dehumanized the Muslims too. We’re supposed to love our neighbors, not hate them, make fun of them and kill them.
Maybe you should do a reality check.
And regarding Fallujah, perhaps you should look at this:
Richard S. Lowry
No, there is no indication that General Mattis was talking about Afghan men in general and I told you in my last message that I was not defending what he said. I only asked you to do some research.
So, now you have moved on to white phosphorus in Fallujah. As it turns out, I have done some research in this area. White Phosphorus WAS used in Operation Phantom Fury. WP was used in artillery shells to lay smoke screens, not as a weapon to incinerate people. I interviewed two of the battalion surgeons who were actually there in Fallujah in 2004. They both told me emphatically that they saw no bodies that had died from burns. And, I interviewed Marines who happened to be at ground zero of a smoke barrage and not a single Marine was injured by the smoking WP balls that landed all around them.
In addition, I have not been able to find any medical data that supports the theory that WP residue in the ground will cause birth defects. Since you like Google so much, google Yellow Cake Uranium and then read this article:
It is much more likely that Saddam’s desire to build nuclear weapons produced the Fallujah birth defects. The Tuwaitha nuclear complex is less than 50 miles from Fallujah.
I have been researching the events of our war in Iraq for many years. My reality is based on first-hand research and hundreds of interviews of the men and women who were actually there. There is no need to tell me to do a reality check. What is your reality based on?
Jeff Fenske
The greatest two commandments, which includes loving our neighbors as ourselves.
Do you love the Iraqis and the Afghans as much as you love yourself?
Richard S. Lowry
Yes Jeff, as a matter of fact, I do. Read my latest blog:
Jeff Fenske
Why do you support any of this? We have no business being there. It is not our fight.
Richard S. Lowry
I am glad you asked that question. I think if we sat down and discussed the facts, you would see that we are not far apart in our desires for how the world should be. Please take the time to read an article I wrote months ago. I hope it will answer your question.
Richard S. Lowry
Sorry, I gave you the wrong blog link. This is the correct link: Please read this article.
Jeff Fenske
You and I are worlds apart regarding these wars. I believe they were planned by PNAC and the globalists before 9/11, and that 9/11 was intentionally done by the globalists to get us into these wars.
It’s called problem > reaction > solution. They do this a lot. We have their document; we know what Nick Rockefeller said; we know the planes didn’t take down the towers, etc.. It’s all on this site. But they control the media, so there’s been an entire 9/11 truth blackout, etc.. These people are pure evil — Satanic. They’re led by demons.
They’re using the American military to take out countries that would oppose the one-world-government. We’ve been doing this covertly and overtly for years.
This is not a Godly war. We are the oppressors, not the liberators. And we’re also there to get the poppy (opium) production back up, after the Taliban almost extinguished it.
We are not the good guys. We are the enemy. They couldn’t do hardly anything to us if we had Godly character again, but America has fallen, so we’re now mostly a nation of lusters, liars, even haters. Most Americans don’t even come close to loving the Muslims as much as we love ourselves, and now we’re going to get it ourselves.
Judgment is coming on America because we lost our integrity, misused our power, and fell into the Devil’s traps. The globalists have to take us down to in order to bring in the one-world government in which no one will be free.
We had our chance, and we blew it. We’re heartless, and much of the world knows it, but few Americans admit it. Many still don’t see the big picture because they believe what the media tells them.
We’ve been had, and I’m convinced that participation in these wars is being part of the dark side. And some people really get off on being part of the dark side, like this general.
There is a totally legitimate purpose for our military. It’s to defend our borders, not to retaliate against some unseen ‘enemy,’ the bogey man that we always have to blame when events are formulated by the global elite. They always make sure there is somebody to blame, when they were pulling the strings, crisis after crisis after crisis.
Americans failed the test. Instead of forgiving being full of love no matter what, they were full of retaliation and fear. Perfect love casts out all fear, but we won’t go there. We must have revenge. And the globalists used that fervor to bring the war to Iraq too. And now they want to do Iran; though, they can’t prove there are WMDs there either. We did know they were in Iraq, though, because we gave them to Saddam.
We are the aggressors. We are the enemy. And since we’ve refused to repent, not willing to apologize to anyone, we’re going down too, probably sooner than most think.
We’ve lost our soul.
Richard S. Lowry
Well – OK then. Have a nice day.