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Alex Jones’ Mob Boss impersonation: Obama Seeks Brother of “Chicago Mob Boss” for Top White House Post – Alex Jones Tv

Alex’s Mafia Don impersonation at minutes 5 and 8

[youtube=]Obama Seeks Brother of “Chicago Mob Boss” for Top White House Post – Alex Jones Tv

TheAlexJonesChannel | January 04, 2011 | 141 likes, 2 dislikes

Obama Picks Mobbed-Up Wall Street Insider For Powerful Administration Role

President gives another backhander to notorious Daley political machine

Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Reports that Barack Obama is considering naming William Daley, a JPMorgan Chase & Co. executive and former U.S. Commerce secretary, to a powerful position within the White House, serve as a reminder that while posing as a squeaky-clean man of the people, Obama is the ultimate establishment lackey.

“President Barack Obama is considering naming William Daley, a JPMorgan Chase & Co. executive and former U.S. Commerce secretary, to a high-level administration post, possibly White House chief of staff, people familiar with the matter said,” reports Bloomberg.

Obama’s imminent appointment of Daley is yet another form of payback to Mayor Daley, William’s brother, after the Mayor gave his support to Obama’s bid for the White House back in 2008.

The infamous Daley political machine can be traced back to Mayor Daley’s father, who himself became Mayor with the aid of the Chicago Mob.

“The negative social, financial and economic impact and influence of the Daley Machine on Chicago politics is well documented, yet both father and son kept getting elected,” writes one blogger. “Is it name recognition, ACORN and union intimidation and thuggery, broken kneecaps, twisted arms, or rigged voting machines that has kept this family in power for almost 50 years?”

William Daley’s ascent from political mentor to Rahm Emanuel, to commerce secretary under Clinton, to Obama campaign advisor, to JP Morgan executive, and now to potential chief of staff, is yet another striking reminder that Obama excels in scratching the backs of Wall Street insiders and mobbed-up cronies.

Obama struck an underhanded deal with Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley in order to enlist his support for his presidential campaign in 2008.

When it seemed inevitable that Obama would endorse the anti-corruption candidate in Chicago’s race for Mayor, “Taking no chances, Daley called Obama in for a series of meetings that lasted two months,” wrote Right Across the Atlantic blog. “Obama’s major problem with Daley was that he was a corrupt sonnovabitch, having just seen 4 of his top aides convicted in the city’s largest patronage scandal. It seemed a given that the squeaky clean Obama would endorse the candidate promising to clean up city hall.”

However, the deal was done and the fix was in — Obama trumped expectations and endorsed Daley and Daley returned the favor. At around the same time, it was announced that William Daley would be working for the Obama campaign. Just a couple of months later, Obama endorsed another creature of the Daley political machine in a run-off election — Dorothy Tillman — despite the fact that Tillman had just been exposed for “flagrant cronyism and possible tax-law violations that centered on Tillman and her biggest pet project, a taxpayer-funded cultural center built across the street from her ward office that had been hemorrhaging money since its inception.”

The fact that Obama likes to surround himself with corrupt gangsters, crooks and mobbed-up cronies goes a long way to explaining why a handful of insiders continue to use the office of President to get drunk on money and power while the country itself collapses and decays into a hollowed out banana republic…


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1 Comment

  1. southsidemary

    Dorothy Tillman is not and has never been a part of the Daley machine. She has always been independant and a champion of her community. The “possible tax violation” was a political smear. Tillman has not ever been in charge of the Cultural Center or its taxes. When you write half truths it blows your whole article. She was not in charge of the hiring or business of this gem in our community. In the current environment NO theater or Cultural Center is making profit…and should it? It is managed by at NOT FOR PROFIT organization. Chew on that!

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