By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
September 9 – The assault against American industry and individual livelihood continues — and no, it is not coming from Al-Qaeda or other foreign terrorists. A recent report from R-CALF USA, an advocacy group for American cattle producers, says the US Environmental Protection Agency… |
By John Phillip
September 9 – Researchers from Marshall University in West Virginia report in the journal Nutrition and Cancer that small amounts of walnuts eaten daily can significantly lower the risk of breast cancer in women. Walnuts are a naturally great tasting source of healthy Omega-3 fats… |
By J. D. Heyes
September 9 – Just about every American who was alive on Sept. 11, 2001 remembers where they were and what they were doing on that fateful day when our nation fell under attack. In the decade since, we have managed to punish most of those who were directly responsible for the worst… |
By J. D. Heyes
September 9 – Looking further into the events surrounding the 9/11 attack, Kean and his commission discovered lots of discrepancies. For one, scores of families affected by the attack were also finding it difficult to get answers to their growing lists of questions. The commission… |
By PF Louis
September 9 – (Natural News) If you have enjoyed the clever songs and messages of Mike Adams, here is an excellent funk/rock group with a message. They really are a professional level group, and they really know what they’re against – forced or coerced vaccinations along with a couple of other… |
By Elizabeth Walling
September 9 – With chemical additives, excessive gluten consumption, over prescription of antibiotics and more, the integrity of our gut lining is weakened further with each passing year. It’s no wonder that digestive disorders and their accompanying deficiencies are more common than… |
By Dr. David Jockers
September 9 – Asthma is one of the most common inflammatory conditions of the lung. It is characterized by variable and recurring symptoms, bronchospasm and reversible airflow obstructions. Reverse asthma with natural lifestyle interventions, modulate the immune system and de-inflame… |
By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
September 9 – The new, but floundering, social media service Google+ has been exposed as being nothing more than a user-driven data mining and advertising scheme, similar to its popular predecessor, Facebook. In a recent interview with National Public Radio (NPR), Google’s CEO Eric… |
By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
September 8 – A post-debate poll shown on reveals Ron Paul to be the landslide winner of the internet survey, capturing 43.5% of the votes on the question, “Who do you think won the Republican debate at the Reagan library?” The next closest candidate, Mitt Romney, received… |
By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
September 8 – As the actions of the federal government continue to spiral out of control — with armed raids on Gibson Guitars, raids on Rawesome Foods and the assaulting of children’s lemonade stands across America — the insanity of government only becomes more apparent. In the… |
By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
September 8 – The recent US government raid of Gibson Guitars’ Tennessee manufacturing facility is now receiving widespread media coverage, thanks to a flood of reports that have appeared across the web in recent weeks, including here at NaturalNews. But beyond simply the raid itself… |
By S. L. Baker, features writer
September 8 – According to the American Chemistry Council, a family of plasticizer compounds called phthlates are fine and dandy additions to everything from wall coverings, flooring, toys, perfumes, shampoos and IV tubes. In fact, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC… |
By John Phillip
September 8 – The liver is one of the most critical organs essential to human health. It serves more than 300 functions in the body to detoxify against chemical and environmental intrusions, and it promotes metabolic function as well. Silymarin is commonly known as milk thistle, and… |
By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
September 8 – A new Associated Press (AP) poll shows that many Americans are still in the dark about the importance of protecting their freedom and liberty from being stolen by their own government. While roughly 66 percent of respondents indicated a willingness to give up a little… |
By Shona Botes
September 8 – For centuries, Aloe Vera (Aloe Barbadensis) has been used to treat a number of medical and skin conditions. This miracle plant is also known as the ‘harmonious remedy’ by the Chinese people, the ‘elixir of youth’ by the Russians and the ‘herb of immortality’ by the ancient… |
By J. D. Heyes
September 8 – Remember the tussle between Congress and the White House earlier this summer over raising the nation’s debt limit? Supporters of the “deal,” including President Barack Obama, tried to assuage our angst over the incredible amount of money – $14.5 trillion – our nation… |
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