Breitbart just happened to die the NIGHT BEFORE he was going to release a video that he promised would end Obama’s career. Now, the coroner dies on the SAME DAY that the natural-cause conclusion was released!
A video was released a few days after Breitbart died, but clearly only after they had a chance to edit out the parts Breitbart wanted aired.
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From: WorldNetDaily

Michael Cormier, a respected forensic technician for the Los Angeles County Coroner died under suspicious circumstances at his North Hollywood home April 20, the same day Breitbart’s cause of death was finally made public. …

“We’re told detectives are looking into the possibility that he was poisoned by arsenic.” …

On April 20, the same day Cormier died, the coroner’s office released its findings into the death of Breitbart, stating the 43-year-old conservative media powerhouse died of natural causes, listing cause of death as heart failure.

“No prescription of illicit drugs were detected.The blood alcohol was .04%,” the official report said. “No significant trauma was present and foul play is not suspected.”

Breitbart was founder of among other websites.

The night before Breitbart died, WND senior staff reporter Jerome Corsi arranged for Breitbart to interview Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who the very next day held a news conference to announce there was probable cause to believe President Obama’s birth certificate released on April 27, 2011, was a forgery, as well as Obama’s Selective Service Card.

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