[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2mlORkfA2A]FOX’s Lou Dobbs on Bilderberg, New World Order

Published on May 31, 2012 by 

CHECK http://twitter.com/lukewearechange for when the WeAreChange Bilderberg Donation Drive Broadcast from Chantilly, VA goes LIVE @http://ustream.tv/wearechange. Please help WeAreChange! All we have is you! http://wearechange.org/donate

For decades, a shadowy and secret elite organization called the Bilderberg Group has plotted policy together that subjugates humanity under the cover of darkness. From June 1-3, WeAreChage will be broadcasting LIVE from from Chantilly, VA @ http://ustream.tv/wearechange If you want to continue to hold these politicians accountable and make sure the elites continue to hear the voice of the people, donate @ http://www.WeAreChange.org/donate