Robert David Steele, a former CIA clandestine case officer, and Cynthia McKinney, a former six-term congresswoman from Georgia, are teaming up to fight establishment politics and bring down the “deep state.”

Steele and McKinney have launched #UNRIG, an “educational project” aimed at restoring government integrity and mobilizing Americans to work with their elected officials.

“We want to empower the people of the United States to take their government back,” McKinney told Truthdig and other reporters during a press conference call Tuesday. “We have been steeped in a culture of a political system that has been rigged.”

The pair are embarking on a nationwide bus tour that will include lectures, rallies and events aimed at mobilizing Americans. Steele says that a key component of the project is his proposal for election reform, which he hopes will make its way into Congress sometime this year. Steele has created a graphic of his plan, “intended to inspire a public conversation.”