Why Kurds must not be allowed to control north #Syria

Published on Jun 6, 2016

Most of what i said in this video is referenced in this article . https://gianalytics.org/690-why-a-kur…
The Syrian army must defeat ISIS and hold Raqqa before the US and Kurdish YPG get there, for the unity of Syria and the survival of Syria’s Assyrian christian population.

Please don’t blame Kurds for the actions of YPG or KRG. They do not represent Kurdish people as the media tries to portray. As I said in the video some Kurds are loyal Syrian citizens. Some kurds arrived in the time of Saladin’s and settled in Homs and became a part of our society, and they abhor the sectarianism behind the kurdistan agenda. Obviously many are running because they don’t want their kids conscripted by YPG. They just want to live their lives instead of being dragged into perpetual wars. Like Zionists don’t have the best interests of the Jewish people at heart, neither do Zionist kurds have the best interest of Kurds at heart. To the zionist a jew is just canon fodder for eretz israel “One cow in Palestine is worth more than all the jews of europe” Yitzhak Gruenbaum. Though sadly many Kurds have been brainwashed into thinking the entire north half of Syria belongs to them, including historic Aleppo. They’ve been convince to deny their Persian ancestry. But It is better to convince them of the truth than to spread hatred against Kurds and drive them into the arms of the zionist kurds.

Some of the articles I referenced in the video








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