Related: REPORTS: Helicopters May Have Been Used During Las Vegas Massacre, Heavily Armed Men Seen Gearing Up Near Helicopter on Night of Attack

Las Vegas Shooting Mercenaries in Helicopter False Flag

Adam Danischewski
Published on Oct 11, 2017
LOCATION: Harley Davidson Store
5191 S. Las Vegas Blvd.
Las Vegas Nevada, 89119
Google Map:
Have a close look at these guys, those aren’t police vehicles, yet they have police style lights on them and those do not look like official uniforms. So who are these people? And what are they doing loading up rifles ready to board a helicopter inexplicably on the ground in the middle of a mass shooting?
Helicopters were very likely utilized in the Vegas shooting incident, that’s why no one could place where the shots were coming from. Those weren’t police choppers in the back drop, the media isn’t asking any questions about the helicopters. Where is the footage? Where is the explanation of what were they supposedly doing? Who owned them?
Las Vegas has, surprise surprise, a GUNSHIP HELICOPTER experience on the outskirts (less than 12 miles away from the shooting scene) that allows anyone for a fee the ability to shoot a M-249 SAW from a helicopter – it is staffed with former ANIMAL CONTROL, SWAT, SPECIAL OPS personnel. It’s run by presumably a Jewish guy since his son works there and his name is Solomon. Dig into this operation, and repost media.
Here is their website:
Here is a picture that I got from their gallery and added text to:
Original here:
Check these videos out, notice how the helicopters in the backdrop all happen to fly at exactly the same level as the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay. Good for forensic resonance eh?……
Have a fresh look at the Vegas TAXI video, look up in the sky ahead out of the window at the first LOUD volley that occurs in the very beginning. You see a FLASH in the sky (it is very subtle yet clearly discernible you can’t use any version that blurs or that has additional artifacts) then see the helicopter cruising along out of view, thereafter when the helicopter is in the distance you hear a distant volley and she remarks that it sounds like its farther away now [open it in a new window, hit pause, then maximize and observe – or better right click Save As local and view with VLC]:
Download and Re-Upload on YouTube my Vegas Shooting Media Archive:
Map of location of Gunship Helicopters on Google Maps:…
For more on this, see:…