Google banned Jake’s video, but it’s available:
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EXPOSED! Dangerous Pedophile Rings & Child Traffickers On YouTube

Published on Nov 13, 2017
YouTube is a haven for some of the world’s worst child predators. Pedophile rings are targeting our children right under the noses of parents who simply don’t know how to recognize the enemy or the dangers of a child’s unrestricted access to social media. This documentary will alert and inform you to some of these dangers.
WARNING: This is an important subject, but an emotionally difficult one. If you have exceptional sensitivities to the topics of child abuse or exploitation, then please do not watch this video. As the video’s opening disclaimer clearly states, this documentary includes discussions of abuse and sexual exploitation of children in order to help parents and other mentors better protect our kids from online predators.
To properly demonstrate the dangers on YouTube, it is necessary to show some of those dangers in an unfiltered manner. Such content may be too emotionally difficult for some viewers.
You have been advised. Please be responsible for your own choice to view or not view this video.
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