28:45 Twitter “should lose their safe harbor protections.”

Safe Harbor Protection – Website Liability

A “safe harbor” is defined as a harbor considered safe for a ship during a storm at sea, or any place or situation that offers refuge or protection. A safe harbor is also a provision of a statute or a regulation that specifies that certain conduct will be deemed not to violate a given rule. Websites that host content are always at risk of someone posting an image they don’t own, or music they haven’t licensed, or content they haven’t created. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (DMCA) provides websites with protection from liability for material posted by their users. This protection is legally referred to as a safe harbor. (source)

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Trump Loses Lawsuit, Is Twitter Now a Public Forum?

Tim Pool

Published on May 27, 2018
Trump has lost in court and a federal judge ruled that the comment section of a tweet is a designated public forum. But how will this impact Twitter’s rules? Will Twitter now have to allow access to this public forum? Is Twitter a privately owned public space?