This article proves that Halbig was given documentation to everything he requested; though, he had been claiming he wasn’t. It was only withheld because he hadn’t paid the fees. After he did, he got all of the documentation.

But Halbig never told us that.

He’s like Fetzer. They only tell us information that supports their “school was closed/nobody died” theory. And then when their points are disproven, they’ll never admit it and tell us about it. They never come clean.

That’s how they roll — deceitfully deceiving truthers and others, not caring who they hurt. Never apologizing, never admitting they were wrong. Such a shame.

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Monday, June 29, 2015

Connecticut State Police appeals Altimari Sandy Hook Document Decision


NEWTOWN- Monte’s close

In contrast to Wilson’s lack luster proffering, Monte Frank was a laser beam that sliced through Halbig’s drivel.  In close, Mr. Frank went document by document, addressing every single request and the Town’s response, line by line.  Halbig was crushed and his face showed the dejection as he fiddled with his tie.  Wilson looked like she swallowed the fly in her soup.

Mr. Frank pointed out that the delays were due to Halbig’s failure to provide payment as per FOI regulations or failure to appear to inspect the documents as invited. Correspondence dates had been submitted as proof in addition to supporting testimony.

The Town proved they provided the documents to the security system by submitting documents and offering testimony of the Facilities manager.  Halbig failed to offer even a single piece of evidence that there was a “Brand new security system” installed at Sandy Hook Elementary School. SandyHookFact had debunked the hoaxers on this point long ago.

The Town proved they provided the complete Consent Agenda by offering the exhibit and supporting testimony of the school superintendent.

The Town proved they provided the best copy of the available DVD’s that they could with their equipment by offering testimony and pointing out that it is not the town’s job to provide Halbig software or to purchase software to cater to Halbig[s ineptness].

The tri-annual inspection report- was provided, as submitted into evidence.  The other nonsense reports, lead paint, etc,  are not required and don’t exist. Halbig made these up in his own head along with several invented departments.   The Town proved such by testimony of people with real experience.

It should be noted that Newtown has a very good website so a light amount of researcher could have help Wilson and Halbig instead of relying on Newtown to hold their hand.  The lead teacher issue, for instance, it readily available information; Halbig contends he’s an expert; yet he can’t figure that out?

Letter to parents – timely provided to Halbig.

Bio-Hazardous Waste Clean up- the Town proved they did not contract with these serves by offering the testimony of the First Selectman.  The same with Halbig’s porta-potties.

Work Orders were provided when Halbig finally paid.

And the emails were provided as soon as the Town’s objection was withdrawn after Kay Wilson narrowed the request to intelligible English addressing actual agencies that exist.

Since Halbig offered no proof of any document being illegally withheld, in fact, in close only asking for tow documents they already possessed, and Monte Frank offered overwhelming evidence of compliance; the Commission will have no choice but to rule in the Town’s favor.