Doctor Exposes Anti-Human Endgame Behind Vaccines

May 1, 2021

Dr. Carrie Madej is an Internal Medicine Specialist in Georgia with 19 years in practice. She’s concerned about the transhumanist agenda behind the push for the COVID vaccine and the biological, legal and spiritual ramifications of all of it and she joined Alex Jones on InfoWars yesterday to talk about her latest findings, starting with reports of unvaccinated women having 400% the rate of miscarriages in connection with their exposure to vaccinated people. …

“Just look at the big picture. The data doesn’t make sense. The death rate was the same as all the previous five years. Why are we doing this? Why are using something experimental? Why is the benefit maybe a partial immunity for 2 months – maybe. And the risks are astronomical. Nobody in their right mind, no good doctor, no good scientist could recommend this. So why are they? …

“So they were going to analyze this data and then, they had an algorithm that a computer would be in charge of. And every time you lied, even a little white lie about where you were, the smart phone would know it immediately by these parameters and give you an instant repercussion and then also, over say 1-3 months, all the lies would be added up, and then you would be considered either a good human or a bad human and the computer would allot you a social credit system or cryptocurrency.”

She says Atlanta is one of a dozen pilot cities in the US where this will be unveiled but it’s now in a testing phase in West Africa. “Bill Gates talks about how this will be used for predictive policing, like the Minority Report with Tom Cruise. He actually says it in the advertisement for this research. He says that it’s used for surveillance. He says that if you do not get this injection, that you will be locked-out of the system, whatever that means. They also say that this will assign you your digital ID. This is not SciFi anymore. These people in Africa are experiencing it, right now as we speak. …

“We also know that they’re introducing nanotechnology with these injections. Everybody needs to listen to this…They’re using something called a nano-lipid particle that wraps around the code, which…tricks your body into accepting the code, it suppresses your immune system…and when that happens…you’re accepting a code in your body, now you will be instructed to make and now you’ll spit our parts of these proteins. What will they do? We don’t really know. The idea is for you to make antibodies…

“We have to understand the aftereffects of the nanotechnology. It doesn’t leave your body. It stays in your body. And guess what? It has multiple uses, by chance. And one of the uses of this nanotechnology is to use it as a biosensor.

“So ‘biosensor’ means it’s accumulating data. Really, what this is saying is we’re actually having the start of Artificial Intelligence, in a way, being injected into the human body and by definition, that would be the advent of something called transhumanism…

“I’m embarrassed of my profession, I’m embarrassed of how science is gone. This does not make any sense. This is not good science and people need to wake up that something’s terribly wrong in our world. All the checks and balances have gone away. The governments aren’t running like they normally do, because it’s the Emergency Act and under that, there’s clock and dagger, right? We can’t understand, really what’s going on, we’re not allowed to look inside the ingredients…

“Look at what Bill Gates is doing right now to the people of West Africa. He’s testing these kinds of injections on them…with the nanotechnology, he’s actually looking at their biometrics, their bisensors, giving them a digital ID and then using surveillance and predictive policing on them. Everybody needs to look that up. He’s doing this, as we speak.

“And in this article, they actually say, once they have it perfected in Africa, they will then unveil it to all developed countries. That means us. So do you want this kind of technology to be used as predictive policing? Giving you a digital ID? They’re working with MasterCard for cryptocurrency. This is not SciFi, we’re doing it in realtime, now. So we need to speak up before it comes to our country…

“So, I say that this is the endgame of all games. This is do or die, right now. It’s about Human 1.0. Do you value being a human? Do you value having freedom of thought and to love? If you do, then you stand up now, you say ‘No!’ You say ‘No!’ and take our human rights back. We gave them away. And we stand together, because we are powerful beings. We are made in the likeness of God. We actually have energy and light within us. We don’t need their technology. We are magnificent beings. And stick together, because we have power in that…

“And just look at the Heartmath Institute, there’s science on the energy of our heart. We actually make electromagnetic energy, we’re energetic beings. It goes six feet out from our bodies. In strong people, it goes out even miles. Imagine that. Imagine enough of us getting into that love. Not with fear, not in panic, getting into the love; that high-frequency, standing up. We take our planet back. It’s ours. We already have the paradise here. We can make it the paradise we always wanted it to be…We need to start meeting together once a week…this is not about a virus, Guys…

“I’m a believer in Jesus Christ and I think there are a lot of truths in the Bible and I do think we’re seeing a Good vs Evil war kind of thing happening, here. A spiritual war, 100%

“We have time to stop this, we absolutely do. If we band together, we unite our voices, we speak out, we educate our brothers and sisters around the world, we say ‘no’ to these draconian measures, as say ‘no’ to a passport, we say ‘no one gives us our freedom, we have our freedom, it’s God-given to us.’”

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