It all has to do with something called cryotherapy or cold therapy. This concept is based on hormesis. With hormesis, what you’re doing is adding a moderate amount of stress to create a beneficial effect.

By taking a 20 minute cold shower, you can increase norepinephrine by 200-300%. When you increase this nerve transmitter, you can:

• Drop inflammation
• Increase your antioxidant network (including glutathione)
• Increase your mitochondria
• Increase your T-cells

How to take cold showers to get these cold shower benefits:

Start out with maybe 30 seconds or a minute, and gradually increase the time you’re in the cold shower over time.

7 cold shower benefits:

1. Decrease muscle pain
2. Decrease joint pain
3. Speed up recovery
4. Decrease inflammation
5. Increase cognitive function
6. Increase mood
7. Increase metabolism

Oct 28, 2019

Dr. Eric Berg DC