As we move closer to WWIII with Russia and China, it’s crucial that as many conservatives as possible wake up to how they and all Americans have been deceived by Deep State control over the media, political institutions, and the courts and how difficult it is to root them out now that they control almost all the levers of power in this country.

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World Affairs Brief, February 23, 2024 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (


As my long-term readers know, I have never been very optimistic about our chances of overturning the two-party dominance in the US through voting them out of office. One of the biggest obstacles is the Electoral College system. Even though its primary benefit is to give smaller states an equal choice with the more populated states in electing the president, the down side is that no political movement has any power in the US unless it gets a majority of the votes in any state—thus making it very difficulty for third parties to gain a foothold in American politics. They must leap to majority status in one election or they get nothing.

It’s even worse now that both major parties are controlled by the Deep State—the Democrats far more than the Republicans, but the Republican leadership always seems to be compromised enough that things don’t change much even when Republicans are in charge of both Houses of Congress.

For example, during the first two years of the Trump presidency, when the GOP controlled both House and Senate, it was Republican leaders Paul Ryan in the House and Mitch McConnell in the Senate that thwarted some of Trump’s most important initiatives including funding for the border wall, and reigning in government spending. It was also Republican leaders that sabotaged the impeachment of Bill Clinton during the Senate trial of 1998, not the Democrats, according to the lead prosecutor, a Democrat.

So, we conservatives keep muddling along, hoping for a Republican “savior” who will “drain the Deep State swamp” and restore the founders’ strictly limited version of our inspired constitution. Ronald Reagan was our first big hope. I was in Washington as Chairman of the Conservative National Committee at the beginning of the Reagan years, and so I know he did a lot of good things, and although he was a true conservative who wrote his own speeches, he was forced into a compromise by the 3 major news networks right after winning the GOP nomination, to take on his Deep State primary opponent, George H W Bush as his Vice president, and give him control over personnel in the White House, thus surrounding Reagan with his ideological enemies, restricting Reagan’s ability to control his own administration.

As a result Reagan was talked into many unwise compromises. He raised taxes 11 times, including the biggest tax increase in history (raising the Soc Sec payroll tax), granting the first amnesty to all illegals (that was supposed to stop illegal immigration), and (being beguiled by Gorbachev’s phony Perestroika Deception). Reagan got talked into signing two one-sided disarmament treaties, the INF and the first START treaty, both of which were violated by the Soviet Union.

It is little wonder that Reagan, like the rest of the world, failed to see the phony Fall of the Soviet Union and Communism for the grand deception that it was—meant to get the US to stop spending so much on arms and take a “peace dividend” spending much more on welfare schemes and foreign aid—including to Russia.

Trump, like Reagan, also did many good things, like boost oil production, and partially secure the border by adding to the length of the southern border wall, and implementing the “remain in Mexico” policy. But, unlike Reagan, Trump was never a real conservative before running for President. He didn’t know any conservatives, he didn’t know how to argue its positions, and worst of all, he didn’t know a thing about the history of conspiracy which is the only way a national leader can tell if someone the establishment is foisting upon them is Deep State or not—by remembering the names of people who took part in past conspiracies or their coverups, such as the JFK and RFK assassinations, the OKC bombing, the Vince Foster murder coverup or the 9/11 attack which was done by our own Deep State.

So Donald Trump, even though sincere about wanting to Make America Great Again and Draining the Swamp was largely incapable of either due to his weaknesses:

1) His level of pride and ego that caused him to construe even bad policies like pushing the Covid vaccines forward and touting them as a “great success” when in fact they were highly damaging to those ignorant enough to take the Vax. Sadly, Trump can never admit to error.

2) His sense of warning in conscience has been sufficiently degraded by past immorality that he has never been able to detect when top enemy leaders like Xi Jinping, V. Putin, or Kim Jong Un were flattering and deceiving him, leaving him to arrogantly think that he alone could talk them out of any of their aggressive moves—and he still believes that.

3) His failure to do any personal homework, relying instead solely upon Fox News television or mainstream briefings by people ignorant of conspiracy, ensures that he will never be able to detect who is Deep State and who is not in his appointments, just as he failed during his presidency, appointing Bill Barr, Robert Mueller, Christopher Wray and Brett Kavanaugh, and many others who really weren’t on his side.

A Call to Serve

So, with all this background of what I know about the problems we face in the political realm, you can imagine my surprise when I received a call from the Chairman of the Constitution Party asking if I would consider being their Presidential candidate in 2024. I responded that I would have to think about it, not having a “vision of victory” that a viable candidate for the presidency usually requires.

My history with the Constitution Party goes back to its founding with Howard Phillips who started a party called the US Taxpayers Party, which eventually changed its name to the Constitution Party. Howard asked me to come to Washington DC during the Reagan administration in 1982 and help him work against the forces pushing for compromise. That’s where I started publishing the World Affairs Brief in 1983 as a shorter print edition.

The Constitution Party has always been the party that is most aligned with getting the Federal government back to the constitutional limitations inherent in the original document, which I supported before, but have since come to realize is almost impossible now that the courts rely solely on case law rather than the “founder’s intent.”

As a conservative political scientist, I’ve worked on tightening up the language of the constitution for many years (as found in the “Law and Government” section of my website), but I know there is no way to get to a “more perfect union” in today’s divided country, and a Convention of the States would be too dangerous under mainstream control (delegates to any constitutional convention would be appointed by state governors, almost all of which are mainstream and controlled). But it is good to know how to write a more tightly worded constitution if we should ever get the chance.

But the most formidable challenge are that the overall electoral numbers in any election are against us. Consider that only half of Americans vote. Of those that do vote roughly 1/3 are Democrats, 1/3 are independents and 1/3 are Republicans. Since hard line conservatives are smaller percentage of Republicans, the principled people in this country are truly a modest minority.

So, what could I have to offer to this conservative movement by running for president, if we can’t actually win? I’ve considered several reasons; Here are three:

1) The conservative movement is fractured in many parts and getting more so. As I’ve long said, “It only takes one common cause to unite liberals and one disagreement to divide conservatives.” I have sought all my life to know the truth about many subjects and it’s only by coming to a greater knowledge of what is really true that we can gain unity.

2) Even though I am interviewed by quite a few national radio programs and podcasts, my best work in the World Affairs Brief is by subscription which I need to support myself—but that does limit the reach of my analysis and ideas. This nomination offers me the opportunity to reach many more people by going on a speaking tour to conservative groups across the country in each state as part of a presidential campaign.

3) Most importantly, I have perhaps the broadest knowledge of conspiratorial history about the workings of the Deep State and the larger globalist conspiracy. These facts are essential for helping conservatives sort out history, and especially to pull them out of their illusions that Russia or China are somehow innocent victims of the US, but instead harbor intentions to take down the West and rule over us in their own tyrannical version of the NWO.

We are at a crucial time in history where nearly the entire conservative movement has bought into a positive perception of Russia and Putin based on the grand deception that Communism in Russia died decades ago and that the war in Ukraine is all the West’s fault (bolstered by Tucker Carlson’s recent positive interview of Putin).

I’ve proven that both ideas are wrong by my in depth knowledge of Soviet and Globalist conspiracy fact and theory. And even though expounding on conspiratorial history is considered the death knell in politics, and viciously attacked by the mainstream media, it is because it’s the only thing the establishment fears will awaken the American people. So, conspiracy theories must be crushed before they can be uttered. But, I have the facts to make this a credible issue.

As we move closer to WWIII with Russia and China, it’s crucial that as many conservatives as possible wake up to how they and all Americans have been deceived by Deep State control over the media, political institutions, and the courts and how difficult it is to root them out now that they control almost all the levers of power in this country.

I’m also virtually the only one that has an explanation for why the globalists and media turned on Russia only recently, after having deliberately brought Communism to power in 1917 and gave them nearly all their military technology over the decades, and covered for their crimes and aggression for decades during the Cold War.

I know personally how disgusting it is to hear establishment shills like Mitt Romney and the mainstream media attack Russia or Putin with truth, when we are so used to hearing them tell one lie after another, without understanding why the establishment has ALWAYS SWITCHED sides just prior to a real war to start attacking a real enemy—but not in the years leading up to war. Sadly, conservative seem to be incapable to adjusting to the establishment telling the truth for once on this one issue. But that’s what happened, evil as they still are.

It doesn’t mean they’ve repented of their evil coverups for Soviet and Chinese Communist crimes against humanity, but they are, for their own conflict creation purposes pointing properly to the current existential enemy.

This pattern was evident before in the years leading up to WWII when Wall Street built Hitler’s military machine, and chemical industries. Only after Hitler’s aggression embarrassed their unwise compromises with him did they start to attack him when it was too late to stop him.

The same thing is happening again now. The evil globalists have to take the right side against our enemies just prior to war, to divert the public from blaming them for the years of building these two world-class enemies, the history of which is covered up as well in all the mainstream history books. A few conspiracy historians such as Anthony Sutton exposed “Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler.” I’ve done the same for this coming war in the World Affairs Brief.

Admittedly, it’s going to be tough with even my knowledge of conspiracy to change conservative’s minds, after falling so hard for the deception of the Fall of Communism and the naive pretensions of Tucker Carlson after his one-sided interview with Putin and his fibs. But I feel a duty to God and country to try, for what I know is the truth.

Practical Matters

I’m going to need help from all conservatives who hear my message to help unify the Constitution Party, so I can mount a credible campaign. There is some disunity between those in the party who want a religious test for allegiance to the party’s principles, versus those who are more focused on defending our constitutional liberty without any particular religious promotion. There are other differences too. Some state parties have split off from the National party over such issues and that makes it hard to all towork together to get ballot access in each state. It doesn’t do much good to run for the presidency if you aren’t on the ballot in as many states as possible.

The National Executive Committee of the Constitution party is hoping that a strong candidacy by me, with clear perceptions about the issues and the world situation, might help unite the party, but it could still be an uphill battle to gain consensus. What will help is if more conservatives like you join the Constitution Party (or its equivalent in your state) and can lend fresh faces to the ranks, especially at the state and national conventions coming up in March and April. I will speak at the national convention on April 26-27 when the national candidate is decided by vote.

I realize many want to participate in their states’ Republican-only primary to ensure Trump gets the GOP nomination, but Trump is already certain to win the GOP primary vote in every state anyway. Barring any legal challenges disrupting his candidacy (which I think is increasingly unlikely), I expect everyone will be able to vote for him in November, regardless of your party affiliation. Your primary vote, can however, have a bigger impact in a small party so, I encourage all my readers to join the local Constitution Party in your respective state, or help by donating to the party to help secure ballot access in as many states as possible for the upcoming election.

If enough new conservatives who understand my views flow into these state party conventions in March, we can help unify the party and achieve more this year than ever before, in terms of shaking up establishment dominance over the political narrative.

In Idaho, Oregon and Texas, and a few others, they have other variations on the Constitution Party name, but they are all listed at the National Constitution Party website,

To find your state’s party contact info, hover over “Contacts” and click on “State Parties” in the drop down menu. A map of all 50 states will be displayed. Click on the State where you reside and it will display contact information for the State Party, or for regional leaders that can direct you where an affiliate party has a different name. For example, In California, the Independent American Party ( is the affiliate, and since they don’t have a candidate for president, by attending their state convention, you can encourage them to list the Constitution Party candidate as their candidate, which will likely be me.

In short, if you value my work over the years in sorting out the truth about our loss of liberty, help me boost this solid conservative party which may provide me a huge opportunity to expand the influence of these principles nationwide. Even though we won’t win in 2024, my goal would be to consolidate conservatives and good libertarians into a much stronger voting block in the future, especially as Trump conservatives discover that the Deep State will steal this election from him again, just as they did in 2020.

Even though you may be tempted to feel a vote for me may be wasted compared to a vote for Trump, if they steal the election from Trump, as I predict, your vote is lost anyway. But a new and larger block of votes for the Constitution Party candidate will send an even stronger message to the Deep State. For once they will have to worry about someone who knows how they operate in the dark and what it takes to drain the swamp, difficult as that may be.

Even as the next and final World War approaches in the latter part of this decade, it’s all the more important to consolidate our people and forces to help the Lord preserve a remnant of good people that will resist the militarized global government that comes into force as a result of this coming war, with all its controls that will be forced upon us. Please join me in this fight for liberty and preservation.