From: Alaska Dispatch

Don Young: ATF should explain why agents want gun-shop records

“Alaska’s U.S. Rep. Don Young sent a letter to the acting director of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives on Tuesday, asking for an explanation of why ATF agents have been visiting Alaska gun shops, asking for copies of gun and firearm transactions — or, in gun-shop parlance, “bound books.”
“Young acknowledges that while ATF agents are permitted to conduct routine, in-shop compliance inspections, federal law forbids the removal or copying of such material unless there’s an official criminal investigation. One fear is that the ATF will create some sort of list or database of gun owners, which has been illegal since 2011.
“In his letter to B. Todd Jones of ATF, Young wrote that although he’s been receiving these reports from Alaska, it’s “unlikely that these improper activities have only happened in Anchorage.”
“Young told Jones that gun-shop owners who refused the ATF’s request were “then pressured or even intimidated

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