Freedom from Alaska!

Tag: h1n1

Wayne Madsen: Swine flu constructed in lab partly from DNA extracted from native Alaskan’s preserved-in-permafrost tissue? “They brought this dead virus back to life.” She had died from the 1918 flu.


Wayne Madsen on Alex Jones Tv: Swine Flu Conference in D.C. Update


MILITARY ‘Assisted’ Swine Flu Mass Quarantines?


Fox News’ Shepard Smith annunciates that the military will be held as a “contingency plan” to “assist” medical facilitators for Octobers “suspected” pandemic and the mass quarantine protocols, emergency powers would be used to circumnavigate the protection the constitution gives the Individual to mandate compulsory inoculations. The stated target group that is at most risk is those aged between 19-24.

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