Freedom from Alaska!

Category: BIG Pharma Page 1 of 39

Dr. Berg: Think Twice before Getting a Hysterectomy — Mostly unnecessary; serious side effects. Vitamin D solution, etc.

Big Pharma LYING about hysterectomies too!!

“The great majority of hysterectomies are unnecessary, and you should really know what you’re getting yourself into.”

“There’s an interesting correlation between vitamin D deficiency in fibroids and endometriosis. So I would just recommend getting enough vitamin D if you have fibroids endometriosis or even heavy periods….”

Potential side effects of a hysterectomy:
1. Negative changes to your figure
2. Low back pain
3. A leaky bladder
4. Loss of libido
5. Fluctuating emotions
6. Fatigue
7. Increased risk of fractures
8. Increased risk of all-cause mortality, including coronary heart disease
9. Increased weight gain

“She Was Healthy, Then She Got the Shot,” Nicole Shanahan Opens Up About Daughter’s Autism Diagnosis

Includes footage not able to be aired in Tucker’s YouTube video of the event.

Adam Carolla CORNERS Gavin Newsom Over Shutting Beaches!

Candace: My husband is the rational side of my brain | Science & tech has replaced God

“As I’m starting to learn things, obviously, the first person I always talk to is my husband, and I feel like he’s the more rational side of my brain.”

“..they are thee most faithful to the church of science. They are thee most faithful to the church of Satan.”

Speed of Science

Of course, all scientists agree…

‘Ideological Bulls–t’: Rich McCormick Grills Fauci On Audio Of Him Discussing Vaccine Requirements

Proof Pfizer Has Different Covid Shots—One a placebo, the Other Deadly

Pfizer Whistleblower Leaks Email Showing Company Provided ‘Separate’ Covid Shots for Employees

BOMBSHELL! Most Skin Cancer Deaths Are From LACK Of Sunlight — Vitamin D!!

Did you know that dermatology is pulling a huge scam on the American public? It’s true! Since the 1980s when dermatologists hired a big money advertising agency, the dermatologic profession has been aggressively “raising awareness” about the danger of skin cancer and the threat represented by the sun. Except that the vast majority of skin cancers are benign, and the more dangerous variety is actually caused by not getting enough sun.

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss how the dermatological profession has become a huge money maker while offering no tangible health benefits.

Dr. John Campbell: Vit D research, definitive and significant — “Our meta-analysis suggests a definitive and significant association between the protective role of vitamin D and COVID-19 incidence and ICU admission” | Hospitals should be using Calcifediol, fast acting vitamin D

Minute-9:30  Patients vitamin D levels should be tested upon admission. Calcifediol, fast acting vitamin D should be administered when low. Works right away, unlike D3, which can take a week or two to be bioavailable to fight infection and disease.

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Preventive Vitamin D Supplementation and Risk for COVID-19 Infection: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

(28th Feb 2024)

Dr. Ryan Cole w/ Bret Weinstein: Covid Through a Pathologists Eye: Ryan Cole on DarkHorse — Vitamin D, Big Pharma’s Retaliation!

Bret Speaks with Ryan Cole about his role as a Covid dissident over the last 4 years, and his unique viewpoint as a pathologist.

(00:00) Introductions and pathology
(07:25) Sponsors
(09:17) Cancer
(17:03) Anecdotes and pattern recognition
(27:20) Clots
(34:50) Why aren’t more doctors speaking out?
(42:15) mRNA injections and LNPs
(48:55) Antibodies and Bioweapons
(57:27) Immunology and Evolutionary thinking
(01:08:00) Vitamin D
(01:16:35) Cancers and mRNA injections
(01:24:17) Process 2 and DNA contamination
(01:37:20) Myocarditis
(01:46:25) No novel pathogen?
(01:58:35) Viruses in the heart
(02:02:30) GVB, evolutionary pressure, and free speech
(02:10:45) Informed consent and ivermectin
(02:15:07) Dr. Cole’s practice
(02:28:45) US politics
(02:40:30) Wrap up

“Trust the science”

Dr. Pierre Kory: 90% of those who died from Covid could have been saved with early treatment | “Over half of what is published in medical journals is not true”

“Over half of what is published in medical journals is not true. They are false.” – Marcia Angell via Dr. Pierre Kory (Marcia was a 20-year editor of the #1 medical journal in the world, the ‘New England Journal of Medicine’)

90% of those who died from Covid could have been saved with early treatment – Dr. Pierre Kory

Dr. Pierre Kory: Our Medical Institutions Have Been Captured By the Corrupt FDA & Big Pharma

The Charlie Kirk Show

CDC Redacts 148 PAGES Of Myocarditis Report!

Linda Boyle: Court says FDA must take down its ‘You are not a horse’ ad campaign against Ivermectin


VAERS – 76% of Vaccine-Related Miscarriages from the Past 30 Years Occurred Once Pregnant Women Started Receiving COVID-19 Vaccines


Dr. Malone: HERE’S What They’re Not Telling You About Ozempic!

The Jimmy Dore Show

937% Increase in Heart Failure among Vaccinated US Military Personnel


Dr. Pierre Kory w/ Tucker: “BIG PHARMA is TERRIFIED of VITAMIN D — it threatens the disease model. We should have had a vitamin D supplementation campaign nationwide [for Covid]; would have been very easy to do. … What they’re doing to Ivermectin they’ve been doing to vitamin D for decades”

Related: Dr. Pierre Kory: A national VITAMIN D campaign to get levels above 50 would have changed the face of Covid!

Dr. Pierre Kory @ Sen. Johnson’s forum: A national VITAMIN D campaign could have protected us from Covid mortality. The only thing they recommended was Tylenol

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Dr. Kory tells Tucker @ 28:32

We should have had a vitamin D supplementation campaign nationwide. It would have been very easy to do. 

As an aside, Vitamin D has been one of the most attacked substances over the last three or four decades by the pharmaceutical industry. Tucker: ‘why?’ It threatens the disease model. We could do an hour on vitamin D, Tucker…. They’re terrified of vitamin D. …

I got an email from a guy, William F. Grant, a professor out in California. … My life was going totally sideways because our protocols focused on Ivermectin. I was using a lot in my practice, as were tens of thousands around the world to really good benefits. I was getting attacked; there were hit jobs in the media. And he wrote me this email that said: What they’re doing to Ivermectin they’ve been doing to vitamin D for decades,’ and he included a link to an article called ‘The Disinformation Playbook,’ and its got five tactics. And these are the five tactics that all industries employ when science emerges that’s inconvenient to their interest.”

Dr. Pierre Kory w/ Tucker: COVID Vax Killed More Americans Than Vietnam

Tucker wrote on X: They’re still claiming the Covid vax is safe and effective. Yet somehow Dr. Pierre Kory treats hundreds of patients who’ve been badly injured by it. Why is no one in the public health establishment paying attention?

(30 seconds) Why Is Big Pharma Terrified of Vitamin D? – Tucker Carlson w/ Dr. Pierre Kory

• High enough levels would have sailed us through Covid!
• Cuts breast cancer by 70% if levels above 60 ng/ml!
• Improves sleep and well being, cuts depression!
• Helps with 100 illnesses!
• Would cut hospital visits drastically!


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“As an aside, Vitamin D has been one of the most attacked substances over the last three or four decades by the pharmaceutical industry. Tucker: ‘why?’ It threatens the disease model. We could do an hour on vitamin D, Tucker…. They’re terrified of vitamin D.” – Dr. Pierre Kory

Also on Facebook


Dr. Mercola: Exciting News Announcement: A Bright New Chapter Unfolds!

I have an exciting announcement for you! As you may recall, September 23, 2022, the Mercola website was cyberattacked and taken offline. Because of that attack, we switched to a process where our newsletter content was only viewable on the website for 48 hours. After that, it was migrated to our Censored Library on Substack, where most was kept behind a paywall. But guess what? Change is here!

Today I am thrilled to announce that our content will no longer have a time limit on it or be restricted to paid subscribers. Yes, you read that right! All our insightful articles and resources will once again be freely accessible on


Jimmy Dore Standup: Public Shaming for Being Informed – “Before Covid, ‘doing your own research” used to be called ‘reading'”

“Before Covid, ‘doing your own research” used to be called ‘reading.'” – Jimmy Dore

Dr. John Campbell: Vit D research, definitive and significant — “Our meta-analysis suggests a definitive and significant association between the protective role of vitamin D and COVID-19 incidence and ICU admission”

In the RCTs performed on HCWs, the overall reduction in risk in the population supplemented with vitamin D was approximately 80%.

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Vitamin D supplementation has a protective effect, against the incidence of COVID-19 in RCT studies,

OR 0.403, (95% IC 0.218, 0.747)

In the RCTs performed on HCWs, the overall reduction in risk in the population supplemented with vitamin D was approximately 80%

Against the incidence of COVID-19 in analytical studies

OR = 0.592, (95% IC 0.476–0.736)

Against the incidence of COVID-19 ICU admission

OR 0.317, (95% IC 0.147–0.680).

Our meta-analysis suggests a definitive and significant association between the protective role of vitamin D and COVID-19 incidence and ICU admission.

Preventive Vitamin D Supplementation and Risk for COVID-19 Infection: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

(28th Feb 2024)

After Toby Keith died from raging turbo cancer, his staff deleted a post of them receiving the Covid vaccine

Doctors ADMIT Link Between Trans Hormones And CANCER In SHOCKING LEAK, WPATH Files

Pioneering Vitamin D researcher Dr. David Grimes w/ Dr. John Campbell

Neither doctor has seen one case of hypercalcemia from taking too much vitamin D.

Dr. Grimes says hypercalcemia would require a dose of 100,000 iu/day.

Both say hospitals should be prescribing fast acting D, calcifidiol for sick patients, to get D levels up fast. UK doesn’t even make calcifidiol available to any patients for anything, which is “criminal.”

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Consultant Physician, medical researcher and author, Dr David Grimes conducted much original research on the essential to life Vitamin D. Buy his inexpensive latest book here.…

2 minor corrections – 150nmol/L = 60ng/mL (not 80ng/mL as stated and at 2min 27secs)

57min 11 secs Calcifidiol appears in the BNF here:… and medicinal form here…

“Fauci Is GUILTY!” Rand Paul On Lab Leak Cover-Up, Vaccines & Fauci – Stay Free #316

Russell Brand

Our Approach To Treating Cancer Is ALL WRONG! – Dr. Thomas Seyfried

1) Cut off glucose through a ketogenic diet.

2) And block glutamine with a drug that Big Pharma won’t make.

The Jimmy Dore Show

We’re Being Lied To About ‘Gender Affirming Care’ – Dr. Phil To Rogan

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