Very important interview!

“It was God. …
I received a prophecy about 12 years earlier
that I was going to do this.”


“I asked them as an official host:
‘When is this bank going to come to pass?’
What I got out of them was there will be a collapse in 2012,
the world currency,
and that the world conservation bank will come in to save the world.”

“If you don’t cooperate
you won’t be able to buy or sell.”

— George Hunt

(transcribed by Jeff Fenske)

[youtube=]George Hunt on Alex Jones Tv: The Inner Workings of A One World, New Age Government

Alex welcomes to the show George Washington Hunt, a former naval officer and an official host at the UNCED 4th World Wilderness Congress. Hunt is educating the public on a secret bank set in motion by international financier Edmond de Rothschild and Maurice Strong. Hunt exposes this conspiracy in his 30 minute documentary, The Big Bad Bank.