Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Secret Societies Page 1 of 22


War Is On The Agenda For Bilderberg 2024…

Charlie Skelton is a reporter for The Guardian.


NPR’s New CEO Is The Epitome of EVIL!


“Seeking the truth, and seeking to convince others of the truth may not be the right place to start,” she says.

“Our reverence for the truth might be a distraction getting in the way of finding common ground & getting things done.”

“We acknowledge there are many different truths.”

Ryan Garcia Doubles Down On Bohemian Grove Claims With Alex Jones

Hidden Camera Catches Bohemian Grove CONFESSION: Hollywood Stars Perform SATANIC Rituals

Kyle Clifton, AKA Kyle-Undercover, is here to expand on his latest undercover video showing a member of the Bohemian Grove talking about satanic rituals.

The Cremation of Care ritual “is very similar to some of the Talmudic rituals that the Jews practice. In Judaism, they’ll transfer their sins to a chicken once a year. They’ll beat and kill this chicken. So in a way it wipes their sins away. That’s what they believe.

That’s similar to what they’re doing with this Cremation of Care. They’re placing their sins on this care doll. And like you saw that old man say, they kill care. They put him on this altar. They burn it, sacrifice it. … Alex Jones filmed it. You can hear screaming. … Very similar to Freemasonry and Judaism.”

Stew Peters Networ

The Level of Evil We’re Dealing With!

John S Torell w/ John B Wells: ‘Protocols of Zion’ (1897) Part 2 of 3 – Protocols & Politics


John Torell w/ John B Wells: The Protocols of Power Part 1 of 3 – Caravan to Midnight

John S Torell w/ John B Wells: ‘Protocols of Zion’ (1897) Part 3 of 3 – World Federalism & Global Governance

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2:13:10 “Maybe I would say a maximum of 10% of Jewish people know about it, and the rest are just like sheep being led to the slaughter. In one of the Protocols… they say antisemitism is our best weapon, because it will keep the Jews in line.

..the Pharisees, the Sadducees and the high priest that at that time asked for the crucifixion of Jesus, they were Kabbalists, and so they hated Jesus because He was not the right messiah.”

John S Torell w/ John B Wells: ‘Protocols of Zion’ (1897) Part 3 of 3 – World Federalism & Global Governance


John Torell w/ John B Wells: The Protocols of Power Part 1 of 3 – Caravan to Midnight

John S Torell w/ John B Wells: ‘Protocols of Zion’ (1897) Part 2 of 3 – Protocols & Politics

The Jasons – The Secret Group of Government Advisors You’ve Never Heard Of

Mark Dice: The Illuminati, Secret Societies, Communism — Real History Overview


John Torell w/ John B Wells: The Protocols of Power Part 1 of 3 – Caravan to Midnight


John S Torell w/ John B Wells: ‘Protocols of Zion’ (1897) Part 2 of 3 – Protocols & Politics

John S Torell w/ John B Wells: ‘Protocols of Zion’ (1897) Part 3 of 3 – World Federalism & Global Governance

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John S. Torell shows how the book: ‘The Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ (‘The Protocols of Zion,’ ‘The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion’) lays out their cutthroat, Talmudic, Satanic world domination plan.

An overview of the first 5 protocols.

Facebook: John S. Torell, European-American Evangelistic Crusades

Website and Books: European-American Evangelistic Crusades

Satanic Freemason Ritual Caught On Camera, Undercover Video Reveals Mock EXECUTION & EVIL

Kyle Clifton, AKA Kyle Undercover, joins Stew to talk about the secret satanic ritual he recently recorded at a Masonic lodge.

13:30 Talmudist globalism is behind Freemasonry

Stew Peters Network

Freemasonry’s secret rituals exposed in viral video published by undercover Catholic journalist

LifeSiteNews Story

After being initiated, every Freemason is issued a Jewish Bible with Talmudic/Masonic interpretation

After being initiated, every Freemason is issued a Jewish Bible with Talmudic/Masonic interpretation.

There are hundreds of pages where it falsely interprets biblical teachings and stories to push a Zionist global agenda.

Freemason ritual filmed by Kyle Clifton (2023)

Kyle – Undercover

I went undercover with a hidden camera to expose a Freemason Ritual.

The masonic oath & penalties are sworn over, essentially a Jewish Talmud. The 3 lamps are illuminated to mock our Holy Trinity.

Chris Pinto: The Secret Architecture of Washington DC

Jason Bermas: Another Summer At The Bohemian Grove — Truth ignored by MSM

The Tim Ballard Rabbit Hole

#The Sound of Freedom #Mormon #LDS


Here’s all my research into Tim Ballard and the organizations that surround him and his partners.


Mark Dice: Here’s How We Know Bohemian Grove is Real

Mark Dice on Bohemian Grove: It’s 100% Real – Here’s What We Know For Sure

Skull & Bones ritual scene – Matt Damon in ‘The Good Shephard’

Alex Jones mentioned this disgusting Skull and Bones ritual scene in a recent interview, in which the global elite pee on a future global elitist, laying naked in a coffin, part of the mind-control and blackmailing. The filming is described here.

The 4 Worlds of Kabbalah – Part 1 – John B Wells LIVE w/ Daniel Duval

Starts at 1:06:25

John B. Wells Live

Alex Jones Tells Bohemian Grove Infiltration Story for 30 Minutes in 3-Hour Interview

1:22:40 Alex is trying to love his enemies now.

1:27:10 Bohemian Grove for 30 minutes!

3:01:55 Joe Rogan “plays dumb,” acting like he doesn’t know what’s really going on. Alex is talking to Joe “every day,” which probably just means often. Alex still exaggerates, which is not being committed to telling the truth no matter what.

At Bilderberg’s bigwig bash two things are guaranteed: Kissinger and secrecy

Charlie Skelton was again the only mainstream journalist covering Bilderberg.


YouTube Just Made a MAJOR Change To Their Terms of Service and EVERYONE is Shocked!

Rigging elections and not letting people talk about it really is a big deal, and how secret societies have manipulated the US.


Rockefeller-Target Connection EXPOSED

The granddaughter of Illuminati kingpin John D. Rockefeller, Alida Rockefeller wed Yale Skull and Bonesman Mark Dayton in 1978. Mark Dayton’s family started the department store Daytons in Minneapolis and the Target store chain.

Mark Dayton was governor of Minnesota from 2011-2019.

The Rockefellers’ history of eugenics and how this ties into LGBTQ.

8:00 Pastel “homophobe headrest” guillotine pin


Stated agenda:


Attendees include heads of governments, banks, Pfizer, Google, oil companies, media, AI and tech companies, NATO, 100-year-old globalist kingpin Henry Kissinger…:



The 2023 Bilderberg Members Have Arrived in Lisbon & PFT Is At The Airport TO WELCOME THEM!!!


Dan Dicks’ History of Covering Bilderberg for Press for Truth!

Help Dan Cover Bilderberg:

The annual Bilderberg conference is set to take place this year in Lisbon Portugal and Dan Dicks of Press For Truth will be there to provide extensive coverage, documenting attendees to look for discrepancies on the list, questioning them about their nefarious agendas and also breaking down what the agenda topics will potentially mean for society.

Bilderberg 2023 in Lisbon Portugal With Press For Truth!!!

Tucker Carlson OUT at Fox News – What’s Really Going On


(HEAVY VIDEO!) Who is Rupert Murdoch – FOX News? Could people be this evil? — The EVANGELICALS are the “fertile ground” for his message of hate and deceit — LIE to the people, give them ENEMIES to hate, arrange WARS for them to fight and stand back and watch them destroy themselves.


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