Freedom from Alaska!

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9/11 Never Forget But Also, NEVER REMEMBER | Candace Ep 63 — Israeli involvement in 9/11 and subsequent wars for Israel

True, except a 757-size plane DID HIT and enter the Pentagon, PROVEN here. Only 18 minutes:

David Chandler: AA Flight 77 at the Pentagon

Candace Owens

What Really Happened To Michael Jackson? | ADL Targeting Candace Owens

Freed Hostage Says Israel Harmed Her Not Hamas w/ Chris Hedges

Israel has killed at least 40 Israeli hostages held in Gaza, and also almost killed Noa Argamani.


Arthur Kwon Lee: Dancing Israelis on ABC News [REACTION]

Slamming Israeli Media Lies, Freed Hostage Says IDF Strike—Not Hamas—Wounded Her — “I was not beaten… I was in a building that was bombed by the [Israeli] Air Force”

Candace Owens brought this Israeli-media-lying story up in her podcast today.

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An Israeli woman kidnapped by Hamas militants on October 7 and held hostage for 245 days before being rescued lashed out on Friday at Israeli media outlets that twisted her words to make it seem as if she was wounded by her captors when in reality she was injured in an attack by the military in which she once served.

Responding to reports in outlets including The Jerusalem Post—which on Thursday ran the headline “Hamas Beat Me All Over”—Noa Argamani said on Instagram that “I can’t ignore what happened in the media in the last 24 hours.”

“Things were taken out of context,” the 26-year-old navy veteran from Be’er Sheva said of her earlier comments to Group of Seven diplomats in Tokyo. “I was not beaten… I was in a building that was bombed by the Air Force.”

“I emphasize that I was not beaten, but injured all over my body by the collapse of a building on me,” Argamani added. “As a victim of October 7, I refuse to be victimized once again by the media.”


Fired by MSNBC for Giving Voice to Iraq War Opposition, Phil Donahue (1935–2024) Was Courage Personified — No one on American television cross-examined Israeli leaders like Phil did

He started as a local reporter in Ohio, was a trailblazer in bringing social issues to a national audience as a daytime broadcast TV host, and then he was pretty-much banished from TV by MSNBC because he—accurately, correctly, and morally—questioned the horrific U.S. invasion of Iraq. …

Ultimately, Phil was fired because—as the leaked internal memo said—Donahue represented “a difficult public face for NBC at a time of war.”

No one on American television cross-examined Israeli leaders like Phil did when he interviewed then-Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres, and later, former Prime Minister Ehud Barak. They seemed stunned—never having faced such questioning from a U.S. journalist.

But “the suits” ruined our show when they took control and actually mandated a quota system favoring the right wing: If we had booked one guest who was antiwar, we needed to book two that were pro-war. If we had one guest on the left, we needed two on the right. When a producer suggested booking Michael Moore—known to oppose the pending Iraq war—she was told she’d need to book three rightwingers for political balance.

Off Record With Kanye: More Secrets Revealed… | Candace Ep 43

A look into the dark history of Hollywood and how it relates to what Kanye was telling me years ago.

Christians haven’t read the Talmud, so have no idea what’s happening to them.

It’s the Talmudic, antichrist revolutionary spirit mentioned in Romans 11 — “enemies of the gospel,” “a partial hardening… until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in.” The Talmudic goal is to destroy Christian civilization so they can rule over all Gentiles when their “messiah” is seated on his throne in the temple in Jerusalem (2 Thess. 2:1-12). No one will be able to buy or sell unless they take the mark of the beast. Many of the faithful will lose their heads.

Romans 11 is very clear:

25 For I don’t desire you to be ignorant, brothers, of this mystery, so that you won’t be wise in your own conceits, that a *PARTIAL HARDENING* HAS HAPPENED TO ISRAEL [the true Jews, not referring to land], UNTIL THE FULLNESS OF THE GENTILES has come in [real Christianity, ‘ONE’ with each other in Christ “that the world will know” – John 17 and Eph. 4:11-16], 26 and so ALL ISRAEL WILL BE SAVED [the true Jews]. Even as it is written,
“There will come out of Zion the Deliverer,
and he will turn away ungodliness from Jacob.
27 This is MY COVENANT with them,
28 Concerning the Good News [the gospel], THEY ARE *ENEMIES* for your sake. [E. Michael Jones’ Jewish revolutionary spirit theory]

‘Christian’ Zionism is Satanic! — HIS DAUGHTER’S ENTIRE SKULL IS SPLIT IN HALF!


Horrific Human Rights Abuses & Torture of Palestinians in Israeli Prisons Documented in New Report

Leaked video shows Israelis sexually assaulting Palestinian prisoner — Torture, sexual abuse of Palestinian detainees ‘war crimes’

Israeli media publishes video of soldiers allegedly raping Palestinian detainee

On Tuesday, Channel 12 released a video reputedly of the moment the Palestinian was sexually abused.

He was taken to a field hospital at Sde Teiman with “a ruptured bowel, a severe injury to his anus, lung damage and broken ribs”, according to media reports.

The footage released by Channel 12, taken from evidence used in the investigation, shows detained Palestinians lying on the floor with their hands and eyes covered.

A group of reserve soldiers are then seen taking one of the detainees aside, then trying to hide their subsequent actions with riot shields. …

Torture, rape and murder have all been reported as rife at the facility, one of several facilities where Palestinians have been mistreated for decades.

“Israel’s” brutal treatment of Palestinians at Sde Teiman Israeli Prison, which includes torture and sexual abuse, constitutes “war crimes”…


Scott Ritter said this about Talmudic Israel. The FBI raided his home in less than 24h

The Talmud is the main source of their evil, NWO, anti-Christ agenda!

Scott said this on Judge Napolitano’s show, “Judging Freedom,” which I watch daily on YouTube.

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Scott Ritter said this about Israel

The FBI raided his home in less than 24h

Rabbi: Their Talmudic messiah’s coming requires destruction of Christian civilization, aided by illegal immigration

Rabbi explains their Talmudic, NWO, anti-Christ plan to usher in their mark of the beast, antichrist messiah:

Destroy Christianity and western civilization through mass illegal immigration.

Led by Talmudic owned Fox News, I might add, which targets “Christian” conservatives.

Ben Shapiro: Talmudic, Christ rejecting, warmongering liar and mass deceiver!

Ben Shapiro: Talmudic, Christ rejecting, warmongering liar and mass deceiver!

(video) Netanyahu (1980): “We own the Senate and the Congress. America won’t force us into anything”

“We own the Senate and the Congress. America won’t force us into anything”…

~ Benjamin Netanyahu) 1980

Israel’s Second 9/11: How Zionism Conquered JFK, America, and Palestine (Documentary Film)

Israel killed JFK and RFK, and Israel did 9/11 — with US deep state that they manipulated.

Related: He Can Prove Israel Was Behind JFK’s Murder and 9/11: Interview With Documentary Filmmaker Matthew Tower

07:13: Kennedy Peace versus Israeli Conquest
44:10: Israel’s Operation Cyanide and Plans for a Nuclear Attack on Egypt
1:03:44: Israel’s First 9/11 and the War of Terror
01:31:04: Do We Live in a Democracy?
01:53:17: Israel’s Puppet Show
01:54:19: Israel’s Second 9/11 and the U.S./Israeli Genocide in Gaza

Follow @TruthTowerPod on X and Visit

Video also on Rumble and

LIVE! More Occult History Exposed | Candace Ep 35 — Kabbalists believe they would inherit the earth through deception

Candace exposes more occult history:

“What these Kabbalists believed: they would inherit the earth through deception.”

ADL, Star of David – the sign of sorcery

More on Sigmund Freud, Alleister Crowley; mentions the Talmud


Frankism is a Sabbatean religious movement of the 18th and 19th centuries, created in Podolia, named after its founder, Jacob Frank.

The only answer is real Christianity

Candace Exposes the Illuminati Frankists NWO Globalist Cult!!! – Bold Truth Telling to the Max!!!

Yes The 2024 Olympics Opening Ceremony Was Anti-Christian But Is Anyone Asking WHY???

Why is only Christ and Christianity mocked — no other religions and their gods?

It’s the Talmudic, antichrist revolutionary spirit mentioned in Romans 11 — “enemies of the gospel,” “a partial hardening… until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in.” The Talmudic goal is to destroy Christian civilization so they can rule over all Gentiles when their “messiah” is seated on his throne in the temple in Jerusalem (2 Thess. 2:1-12). No one will be able to buy or sell unless they take the mark of the beast. Many of the faithful will lose their heads.

Paul in Romans 11:

25 For I don’t desire you to be ignorant, brothers, of this mystery, so that you won’t be wise in your own conceits, that a *PARTIAL HARDENING* HAS HAPPENED TO ISRAEL [the true Jews, not referring to land], UNTIL THE FULLNESS OF THE GENTILES has come in [real Christianity, ‘ONE’ with each other in Christ “that the world will know” – John 17 and Eph. 4:11-16], 26 and so ALL ISRAEL WILL BE SAVED [the true Jews]. Even as it is written,
“There will come out of Zion the Deliverer,
and he will turn away ungodliness from Jacob.
27 This is MY COVENANT with them,
28 Concerning the Good News [the gospel], THEY ARE *ENEMIES* for your sake. [E. Michael Jones’ Jewish revolutionary spirit theory]

“Does Mossad Have Something on Elon” – Rumors EXPLODE After Musk Denies $45M Trump Donations

He Can Prove Israel Was Behind JFK’s Murder and 9/11: Interview With Documentary Filmmaker Matthew Tower

Related: Israel’s Second 9/11: How Zionism Conquered JFK, America, and Palestine (Documentary Film)

The Kim Iversen Show LIVE | July 11, 2024

Tonight we have a conversation with documentary filmmaker Matthew Tower, the creator of Israel’s Second 9/11: How Zionism Conquered JFK, America & Palestine. Watch the documentary here: Follow Matthew on X here:


Candace Owens: Israel protected Solomon Morel, a man who tortured and murdered German Christians in a concentration camp

Israel protected Solomon Morel, a man who tortured and murdered German Christians in a concentration camp. Zionists are in overdrive trying to get this episode banned where I talk about it. Here’s the FULL clip they don’t want you to see. Would be a shame if it went viral.

Aaron Maté w/ Judge Nap : Whitewashing Mass Murder — Talmudic Israel only now admitting they may have killed more Israelis than Hamas did on 10/7

This is the Piers Morgan discussion in which the Israeli propagandist tried to talk over Aaron to shut down truth.

Phil Giraldi w/ Judge Napolitano : Tax Free Dollars to the IDF

Candace Owens exposing Talmudic controlled music industry and Hollywood — BOMBSHELL: Is Diddy A Fed Asset? | Candace Ep 20

Candace Owens exposing the Talmudic controlled music industry and Hollywood, first segment:

DEBATE: Is Everything Antisemitism? | Candace Ep 19

Ami is completely wrong about the TV news, TalmudVision being anti-Israel in its coverage. They ALL told the false “beheaded babies” and “mass rape” stories that justified Israel’s ethnic cleansing war. They NEVER give the facts that show Israel stood down on 10/7, allowing Hamas to massacre Israelis so Israel got the mandate to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians.

MSM lies, including Fox News, TalmudVision for evangelicals, who ignore and never mention what Paul really said in Romans 11.


Chuck Baldwin: Rep. Thomas Massie – Every GOP Congressman Has An AIPAC Babysitter


Glenn Greenwald: ISRAELI>MEDIA’S MASSIVE 10/7 LIES DEBUNKED: “BEHEADED BABIES” (only 1 died, shot through wall), “MASS RAPE” (NY Times/Israeli fabrication) — 764 civilians killed in total (many by Israeli tanks, hellfire missiles & bullets)

What REALLY happened on 9/11? | Candace Ep 9 — The Dancing Israelis!


This article presents evidence that the Israeli deep state was a prime mover in the events of 9-11.

Israel Did It

The Five Dancing Israelis – 9/11/2001 – Our Purpose Was To Document The Event

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Watch on YouTube

Candace: NO American should die for Israel — The IDF knew!

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