Freedom from Alaska!

Ron Paul: “I’m supporting Chuck Baldwin” & “the most difficult group to recruit has been the evangelicals who supported McCain and his pro-war positions”

“Ironically the most difficult group to recruit has been the evangelicals who supported McCain and his pro-war positions.  They have been convinced that they are obligated to initiate preventive war in the Middle East for theological reasons.  Fortunately, this is a minority of the Christian community, but our doors remain open to all despite this type of challenge.  The point is, new devotees to the freedom philosophy are more likely to come from the left than from those conservatives who have been convinced that God has instructed us to militarize the Middle East.”

“I’ve thought about the unsolicited advice from the Libertarian Party candidate, and he has convinced me to reject my neutral stance in the November election.  I’m supporting Chuck Baldwin, the Constitution Party candidate.”


From: Campaign for Liberty

A New Alliance – By Dr. Ron Paul

Friends – please read this new and important piece by Dr. Paul.

The press conference at the National Press Club had a precise purpose.  It was to expose, to as many people as possible, the gross deception of our presidential election process.  It is controlled by the powerful elite to make sure that neither candidate of the two major parties will challenge the status quo.  There is no real choice between the two major parties and their nominees, only the rhetoric varies.  The amazingly long campaign is designed to make sure the real issues are ignored.  The quotes I used at the press conference from insider Carroll Quigley and the League of Women voters strongly support this contention.

Calling together candidates from the liberal, conservative, libertarian and progressive constituencies, who are all opposed to this rigged process, was designed to alert the American people to the uselessness of continuing to support a process that claims that one’s only choice is to choose the lesser of two evils and reject a principle vote that might challenge the status quo as a wasted vote. …

This strategy led to the press conference with the four candidates agreeing to the four principles [link] we believe are crucial in challenging the political system that has evolved over many years in this country.

This unique press conference, despite the surprising, late complication from the Libertarian Party Presidential Candidate, hopefully will prove to be historically significant.

This does not mean that I expect to get Ralph Nader or Cynthia McKinney to become libertarians, nor do they expect me to change my mind on the issues on which we disagree. In the meantime, why can’t we be friends, respectful of each other, and fight the corrupt process from which we suffer, and at the same time champion the four issues that we all agree upon which the two major candidates won’t address? …

Ironically the most difficult group to recruit has been the evangelicals who supported McCain and his pro-war positions.  They have been convinced that they are obligated to initiate preventive war in the Middle East for theological reasons.  Fortunately, this is a minority of the Christian community, but our doors remain open to all despite this type of challenge.  The point is, new devotees to the freedom philosophy are more likely to come from the left than from those conservatives who have been convinced that God has instructed us to militarize the Middle East.

Although we were on the receiving end of ridicule in the reporting of the press conference, I personally was quite satisfied with the results. True revolutions are not won in a week, a month, or even a year.  They take time.  But we are making progress….

The Libertarian Party Candidate admonished me for “remaining neutral” in the presidential race and not stating whom I will vote for in November.   It’s true; I have done exactly that due to my respect and friendship and support from both the Constitution and Libertarian Party members.  I remain a lifetime member of the Libertarian Party and I’m a ten-term Republican Congressman.  It is not against the law to participate in more then one political party.  Chuck Baldwin has been a friend and was an active supporter in the presidential campaign.

I continue to wish the Libertarian and Constitution Parties well.  The more votes they get, the better.  I have attended Libertarian Party conventions frequently over the years.

In some states, one can be on the ballots of two parties, as they can in New York.  This is good and attacks the monopoly control of politics by Republicans and Democrats.  We need more states to permit this option.  This will be a good project for the Campaign for Liberty, along with the alliance we are building to change the process.

I’ve thought about the unsolicited advice from the Libertarian Party candidate, and he has convinced me to reject my neutral stance in the November election.  I’m supporting Chuck Baldwin, the Constitution Party candidate.

Read Entire Article


Ron Paul’s Biggest Eye-Opener: ‘Christian’ Evangelicals Pushing Preemptive War in the Name of Spreading Christian ‘Love’

Ron Paul: Christian Just War Theory — “Evidently, I have been reading a different Bible. I remember something about ‘Blessed are the Peacemakers’”

Ron Paul’s Christlike Attitude: Love, Peace & Hope – No *Initiation* of Aggression!

‘Just War’ Doctrine Abandoned in America — U.S. Foreign Policy Now Reverse-Christian

Just War and the Iran Crisis

Chuck Baldwin: Why Do Evangelicals Ignore Ron Paul? | My Opinion

Ron Paul: “I’m supporting Chuck Baldwin” & “the most difficult group to recruit has been the evangelicals who supported McCain and his pro-war positions”

[2011] Ron Paul’s Statement of Faith

Chuck Baldwin: What Does John Hagee Really Want? — “These WARMONGERING EVANGELICALS beat the war drums; they encourage the young men from their churches to go off and fight these ‘holy’ wars; they WORK TIRELESSLY TO ELECT PRO-WAR POLITICIANS…. Then, the politicians … send the US military to invade, bomb, and KILL HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people, the vast majority of whom are innocent people. … ANIMOSITY against the United States is GROWING EXPONENTIALLY; in an effort to keep our country at war, our ECONOMY is being overburdened and overtaxed TO THE POINT OF NO RETURN; in the name of the “War on Terror,” America is on the verge of becoming a giant POLICE STATE; we are INCITING CHINA AND RUSSIA INTO NUCLEAR WAR; and America’s military VETERANS are KILLING THEMSELVES more frequently than are enemy bullets”

The Amazing Ron Paul: Bribe Money — “Wars should not be covert or casual. We absolutely should not be paying off leaders of a country while killing their civilians…. This is not what America is supposed to be about.”

Pat Buchanan: “On foreign policy … Ron Paul and Sarah Palin are on opposite sides completely.” What would Jesus do?

Sarah Palin demonstrates why most evangelicals dissed Ron Paul, who wanted to bring the troops home. ‘Christians’ have two sets of books: one for US and one for THEM (“who don’t deserve rights”). THEY’re not our ‘neighbor’ whom Jesus commanded US to love as much as ourselves. Maybe that’s why most evangelicals refuse to investigate 9/11. If THEY didn’t take down the towers…???

Ron Paul on Evangelical Christians Expected to Be Pro-War All the Time

Ron Paul on what precedes LIBERTY: Life “and I mean all LIFE!”

Ron Paul: “Fascism Comes Wrapped In A Flag, Carrying A Cross”

Ron Paul: Jesus is the Prince of PEACE, Not Preemptive War

Ron Paul’s Christlike Attitude: Love, Peace & Hope – No *Initiation* of Aggression!

Ron Paul Speaks To The Right To Life Foundation

Ron Paul at the Faith & Freedom Coalition Conference: “Life does begin at conception.” — We would like to think all we have to do is elect the right politicians and everything is going to be okay. But the government is a reflection of the people. The people change before the laws change. Morality has a lot to do with legislation.

Lew Rockwell: The Enemy is in Washington. That’s why RON PAUL runs NOT FOR GLORY, not for POWER, not for CONTROL. He runs to dismantle the aperatus in Washington. He wants to stop the war, stop the Fed’s counterfeiting, stop the rip-offs for the big bank, the big corporation, and for Big Pharma.” | CAN RON PAUL WIN? CAN THE ‘CHRISTIANS’ put their DESIRE FOR BLOOD below their desire to have some kind of standard of living…?

“Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS” Ron Paul: Well meaning church people are keeping the “war on drugs” [the war against the CIA’s competition] going, which helps finance the dark side of our government — our own demise!

Ron Paul: I hear members of Congress saying “if we could only nuke Iran”

Vote For Peace – Ron Paul 2012 — “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God” – Jesus

[Repentance from Power-OVER music video] Golden State: Bombs (End This War/The Ron Paul Song) — “It’s not impossible that we can end this war / Just let your heart explode / It’s not to late for a miracle! — No more lying; No more sighing; I’m still trying, Arms wide open!” | Lets’ be real Christians — “Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS, for they shall be called CHILDREN OF GOD” – Jesus

[Daily Paul comment] The real reason evangelical ‘Christians’ won’t support Ron Paul — “the so called evangelical right wing’s incredible and insatiable lust for war. War is not a family value. War is certainly not a Christian value. … Christ’s views on love and peace and so forth are pretty clearly spelled out. … Many professing Christians will be numbered with the goats on judgement day.”

Sean Stone (Oliver Stone’s son): Should the United States Bomb Iran? Sean Stone returns from Iran — ATTACKING IRAN COULD MAKE THINGS WORSE for ISRAEL!

[Video] 60 Minutes: Meir Dagan, former Israeli CHIEF of MOSSAD tells Lesley Stahl that an AIRSTRIKE anytime soon AGAINST IRAN is premature and COULD LEAD TO *DISASTER*!

Greg Boyd: In the kingdom of God, we are not allowed to have any enemies. All body-bags are equally tragic.

Sarah Palin: U.S. Troops in Iraq Doing God’s Will — “A Task that is From God”

Can Sarah Palin be a real, going-to-heaven Christian?

What is Anchorage’s new statue sitting there thinking? “Why does Alaska still support Sarah Palin, the OPPOSITE OF RON PAUL on foreign interventionism?” — & — “Why did ‘Christians’ in this town vote for George W. Bush, the OPPOSITE OF JESUS on foreign interventionism, TWICE?”

John Hagee calls for a preemptive strike on Iran

Fenske on Chuck Norris’ “Would Jesus Support War?” – ‘A God of War’ & ‘*a* Prince of Peace’

My observation: Satan is using US to take out regimes that oppose his one-world government/anti-Christ reign. Be on God’s side. Don’t follow the crowd; follow Jesus. “Come out from them and be separate,” says God. Be holy. Let’s love!

Alex Jones: Qaddafi is another tyrant the globalists can’t control, so they’re going after him. The globalists are running the whole world and mopping up the final few countries they don’t control. They’re knocking over the old puppets, putting new ones in.

EXCELLENT! Cynthia McKinney: Obama’s So Called Humanitarian Aid to Libya is A Disaster: “The American people are being lied to.” Kadafi was standing in the way of a globalist, Mediterranean states alliance with Europe.

Col. Bob Bowman: The immorality they’re foisting on this country — We haven’t been the good guys for a long time. The countries we’ve invaded happen to be the few countries in the world that are not part of the Rothschilds’ banking cartel.

Pastor Chuck Baldwin: Will Evangelicals Ever Admit They Were Duped by Bush?

Reverse-Christian George W. Bush: ‘D___ right’ I personally ordered waterboarding — When will evangelicals admit they were wrong, voting for this known Skull and Bonesman for even his 2nd term?

[Reverse-Christianity] Torture and the American Conscience: Most white ‘Christian’ evangelicals and white Catholics condone torture

President Bush — “Bad Fruits versus Good Fruits” List

Paul’s Elders’ qualifications revisited: What does ‘BLAMELESS’ mean? — Most pastors are biblically disqualified

The Boot-Camp Factor: The Hate & Anger Factory Where Men are Programmed to Kill and Then Become Our Dads?!! Our Pastors?!!!

Ron Blessed-are-the-PEACEmakers Paul: U.S. War On Libya Totally UnConstitutional | Jesus: Peacemakers = “Children of God”

Michael Franti: Bomb the World (”Power to the Peaceful!”)

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?


Chuck Baldwin 2008: Are You an American or a Globalist?


Nat Geo Photographer Dewitt Jones on gratitude: I taught my students to say ‘thank you’ out loud — ‘Thank you;’ ‘Thank you;’ ‘Thank you’ … all the way down the ridge


  1. ragingpeasant

    What a fine graphic representation of the Right! There always seems to be some place in their hearts for the militant Jesus, taking his M16 into the field, fighting for his freedoms, screaming “Die commi, DIE!!!

  2. Leigh Y.

    I’m a Born Again Christian and nothing makes me more upset than when some of my Christian friends tell me that all of these things going on in the world and especially the United States are supposed to happen and there isn’t much point in trying to stop it because it has all been prophesized in Revelations and Daniel! I CAN’T just sit by and watch my beautiful country be torn apart with our Constitution and Bill of Rights, I’m a direct descendentof John Adams which also makes me a Daughter of the American Revolution and I don’t believe that God would want us to just sit by doing nothing and watch it happen! What is so terrible about trying to educate the public and spread the message of FREEDOM, LIBERTY and LOVE for our fellow CITIZENS as Ron Paul has been working so hard in Congress to do all of these years! If we could just clone Ron Paul and fill the House and Senate with his principals alone, our country would be completely different and MUCH better! Gone would be the Militarization of our local police; the U.N. would be located in some other foreign country; there would be NO income tax and NO need for a Federal Reserve. We would have a MUCH smaller military force and Pentagon; just IMAGINE the money we could save by closing all the military bases around the world and not handing out Billions to every country that comes begging! Our farmers would be farming again and gone would be the big agribusiness that has taken over and poisoned our food supply with their genetically modified CRAP! I think I just described Utopia or something close to it!

    I’ve watched John Hagee and he seems to be of the opinion that Isreal comes before the safety and security of the U.S.! Yes, I believe that we should be friends and allies with Isreal, we’ve already trained their military, given them more than enough weapons necessary to exists in the hostile region of the ME, but do we REALLY have to continue to send them BILLIONS of dollars every year when they are a very wealthy nation in their own right?! So many evangicals that I’ve spoken with about Isreal is that they believe we MUST protect Isreal no matter what the cost, as if God spoke to them personally, but in truth, they’ve been brainwashed to believe this! We should NOT be pushed into attacking Iran for the benefit of Isreal either, another misconception of the evangicals! Jesus did NOT talk and teach of attacking the enemy before they could attack you; he preached of LOVE, NOT WARS! That’s why the sheep in the evangical groups need to UNPLUG themselves from their constant brainwashing and begin to THINK FOR THEMSELVES!

    I am NOT an anti-semite, I don’t care what religion, color or background people are, but the FACT of the matter is that our government is composed disproportionately of Jewish people, something like 6% when the entire Jewish population in the U.S. is only 2%, I believe I got those figures correct. And many of the Jewish people in government like Michael Chertoff and Ralm Emanuel, just to name a few are dual citizens! Isn’t that a Direct Conflict of Interests?

  3. Jeff Fenske

    Leigh Y.,

    Nicely said. Thanks for posting!

    And perhaps many of our ‘Christians’ friends don’t understand that these things aren’t supposed to happen just because God said that someday they would.

    We’re supposed to be salt and light so they don’t happen in our generation, I believe. But in many ways, just the opposite has happened. By supporting the Bush/Cheney’s reverse-Christian policies they have helped bring in the antichrist governments in this country and elsewhere.

    The real Christlike, “blessed are the peacemakers” candidate, Ron Paul would have done much of what you said. But apparently he wasn’t pro-preemptive-war enough for the evangelical leaders.

    It’s a scary thing to think of what will happen to these leaders if they don’t repent for what they’ve done before they die.

    I’m actually thinking that repenting for supporting the anti-freedom war machine may be one of the key components that will bring in real Christianity and real revival. The leaders, especially should admit they were wrong and that they led the church astray. Some of these men even publicly condoned torture and even assassination of people who didn’t do anything to us.

    It’s like there is no fear of God anymore. Everybody goes to heaven. All is good. Don’t worry be happy. The Democrats and the ‘terrorists,’ they’re the problem. When it’s the ‘Christians’ who dissed Ron Paul and all he stands for.

    The real pro-life candidate should have carried the ‘Christian’ vote, and should have been supported on ‘Christian’ radio and TV. But not a peep.

    Thanks again for posting your well thought out comments. God bless you for taking a Christian stand!!!

    May we be ‘ONE,’ you all, as Jesus prayed we would be — one with each other when we are truly in Christ: loving the Lord, our God with all of our heart…, and ALL of our neighbors as ourself.

    Power to the peaceful!

    Jeff Fenske

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