From: Natural News

An apple a day keeps cell phone and other radiation at bay

(NaturalNews) Common foods such as apples, buckwheat, and sunflower seeds strongly protect and detoxify us from radiation. We are constantly exposed to radiation from cell phones, computer screens, power lines, airline travel, and microwaves. Not only can radiation remain in our body for long periods of time, but even when it passes through it also causes free radical damage. Toxic doses like that of radiation therapy for cancer or of exposure from a bomb or power plant can cause severe burns or even death.

Foods such as apples, buckwheat and sunflower seeds cleanse us of radiation. Apples and sunflower seeds contain pectin which binds and removes radioactive residues from the body. Buckwheat contains glucosides which protect us from the effects of radiation. Cereal grasses and other green foods like chlorella and blue-green algae are also useful in cleansing our bodies of radiation.(1) Essential fatty acids like flax seed oil renew cells which have been burned by radiation. Soaking in a bath with sea salt and baking soda draws toxins including radiation from the body.

Sea vegetables and miso may not be as familiar, but they are such powerful cleansers of radiation that they were used in Japan after nuclear bombs were dropped and in Russia after the Chernobyl nuclear power plant meltdown. Sea vegetables are also known as seaweed. Many varieties can be found in stores including kelp, dulse, nori and wakame. They can also be taken as a supplement which can be useful to people who can not develop a taste for sea vegetables or who feel uncomfortable cooking it. Below is a recipe for miso soup which includes the sea vegetable wakame. Wakame can be found at natural foods stores and in Asian markets.

Miso Soup with Sea Vegetables [recipe]

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