Freedom from Alaska!

[music video] Goodnight Rothschild — “We want you off our backs ~ Before we suffer more false flag attacks”

[youtube=]Fish Hat Pope – Goodnight Rothschild

Uploaded by on Sep 9, 2011

Goodnight Rothschild by Fish Hat Pope (Video by jay4louise2)

Many thanks to ‘The Beatles’ for the super tune, and to Steve for the ‘fiddling’ around…


Goodnight Rothschild!
Goodnight Rothschild!!
Goodnight Rothschild!!!

You want the oil? Iraq, Afghanistan
Increase troop numbers, with your man
He looks good, for you he’s looking fine
Bet you’re glad to say that ‘HE IS MINE’?

Goodnight Rothschild!
Goodnight Rothschild!!
Goodnight Rothschild!!!

In Palestine, white phosphorus raining down
Burns their heads when it hits the ground…


Goodnight Rothschild!
Goodnight Rothschild!!
Goodnight Rothschild!!!

Goodnight Rothschild!
Goodnight Rothschild!!
Goodnight Rothschild!!!

And then you lie! About your shady scheme
Carbon Taxes are not, very green
That’s ENOUGH, we want you off our backs
Before we suffer more false flag attacks??

Goodnight Rothschild!
Goodnight Rothschild!!
Goodnight Rothschild!!!

Goodnight Rothschild!
Goodnight Rothschild!!
Goodnight Rothschild!!!



The Rothschilds, world kingpins, worth $500 trillion! They own Reuters, AP, and fix the price of gold…


Ray McGovern Confronts Rumsfeld!



1 Comment

  1. As I have stated, money doesn’t just disappear. It merely transfers from one hand to another. If you were sitting in a Las Vegas Casino, and the most successful gambler in the world walked in and sat down at the roullette wheel, you would be a fool not to shadow his bets. I don’t do Casino gambling, but I do know how to beat the Rothschilds and Rockefellers in their Wall Street Casino. I want you to learn how as well. This, my friends, will be far more enjoyable then standing outside a building with a Protest sign.

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