
IBM helped automate Hitler’s holocaust death machine, author reveals


By J. D. Heyes
January 6 – It is not known that one of America’s most successful technology companies was complicit in helping Nazi leader Adolph Hitler build a more efficient killing machine before and during World War II, one author charges. Edwin Black, who’s groundbreaking work, “IBM and…

Monsanto spends whopping $2 million in third quarter 2011 lobbying federal government


By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
January 6 – If you have ever wondered how the biotechnology industry has been able to develop the cozy and unquestioning relationship with the federal government that it has today, you need not look much further than Big Biotech’s lobbying expenditures. According to a recent Bloomberg…

Journal commentary suggests flawed studies intentionally obscured benefits of vitamin therapy in preventing strokes


By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
January 6 – Prior to the release of several studies that claim the therapy is ineffective, taking high doses of B vitamins was considered an effective regimen for lowering homocysteine levels, and thus helping to prevent strokes and cardiovascular disease. But a new commentary published…

Vitamin B-12 and folic acid prevent memory loss and improve cognition as we age


By John Phillip
January 6 – Researchers from the Australian National University have shown that essential B vitamins combat stress that results in a loss of memory and normal thought patterns that cause abnormal brain aging. Published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, scientists found…

Alternate treatment for chronic acne sufferers


By Fleur Hupston
January 6 – Certain pharmaceutical medications prescribed for acne sufferers come with serious side effects. Many sufferers, desperate to be rid of their embarrassing acne, have found out too late that their treatment choice can cause severe, life-threatening diseases. Using a more…

All that glitters is gold: Metal theft rising in UK and around the world


By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
January 6 – Ten years ago, it would have been almost unheard of to hear about thieves targeting facilities like churches or hospitals for their copper trim work, steel-encased generators, wiring, and other metal materials. But today, in the midst of a spiraling global economy, a…

Chemicals in fast food wrappers show up in human blood


By David Gutierrez, staff writer
January 6 – Toxic chemicals used to line fast food wrappers migrate easily into human blood, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Toronto and published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives. Oily foods such as fast food and microwave…

Busted! Scientists leave out data to produce bogus findings


By S. L. Baker, features writer
January 5 – Clinical trials of drugs and other medical therapies are carefully carried out and are the very gold standard of scientific proof, right? According to an in-depth review of this question just published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ,) the answer is no. In fact,…

Woman files class action lawsuit against Frito-Lay for marketing genetically-modified snacks as ‘all natural’


By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
January 5 – Many major food manufacturers have been on a kick to jump on the “all natural” bandwagon, with all sorts of processed food products now claiming to be healthy and free of artificial and synthetic ingredients. However, one such company, Frito-Lay, is the subject of a…

Protect health freedom at the state level – help pass the Wisconsin Consumer Choice and Wellness Act


By Tara Green
January 5 – Advocates of health freedom are fighting a battle in many states across the US to ensure that holistic health care providers can continue to practice. This will provide people with an alternative to drugs, surgery and radiation which mainstream medicine wants you to…

Sauerkraut promotes good health (and good fortune, too)


By Marsha Anderson
January 5 – Many cultural traditions eat fermented vegetables on New Years Day to bring good fortune. Folklore has it that the long threads of sauerkraut potentially represent a long life. Greens are also associated with money and thus thought to bring good fortune. A practical…

Rosemary oil can be used as a natural meat preservative, and it works better than chemical additives


By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
January 5 – Although some people already use the popular herb rosemary for seasoning their meat, this combination may become more common in the near future as food manufacturers respond to consumer demand for more natural products. Currently, two of the most common additives…

FDA backs off regulation on agricultural antibiotic abuse


By Tara Green
January 2 – Twas three days before Christmas and all through the U.S., people were shopping for last minute gifts. Sneakily into Big Agriculture’s stocking, the feds did deposit some deregulation. On December 22, the Food and Drug Administration quietly announced it would dispense…

Recent breast implant scandal shows lunacy of injecting silicone into the body


By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
January 5 – Former owner of the now-defunct Poly Implant Prosthese (PIP), which once produced silicone-based breast implants, says his illegal substitution of homemade silicone gel is not a health threat because the silicone compound is supposedly non-toxic. But the scandal has…

And then they came for the food activists


By PF Louis
January 5 – The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) — an act which allows for the government of the United States to indefinitely imprison citizens without any access to due process — has been signed in accordance with a Congress that represents Corporate America and Big…

Radiation doctor says TSA naked body scanners can cause cancer


By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
January 5 – No matter how many times the US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) claims the machines are safe and pose no threat to travelers or personnel, naked body scanners that emit ionizing radiation are, indeed, a very serious health threat. And Dr. Edward Dauer, head…

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