From: Alaska Dispatch

Ron Paul Alaska Team Welcomes Key Endorsement from Mrs. Joe Miller

Kathleen Miller, wife of popular former Tea Party U.S. Senate candidate, “proudly” stands with Paul

ANCHORAGE, Alaska – 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul was endorsed today by Kathleen Miller, wife of Joe Miller, a popular Tea Party Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in the state of Alaska during the 2010 election.

Organizational affiliations preclude Mr. Miller from making public his support for any presidential candidate.  However, his biography follows the public endorsement and following statement issued by Mrs. Miller alone:

“I am supporting Ron Paul because he is the only candidate who is truly committed to following the Constitution and its original intent.  Dr. Paul also understands and is committed to addressing the extreme fiscal crisis our nation is faced with.

“At this point in our nation’s history, we cannot risk more business as usual.  The circumstances demand a leader who will take his oath of office seriously and who will confront the ingrained corruption the marks modern American politics.

I proudly stand with Dr. Paul and Carol as they continue their fight for liberty.

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