Very informal and some bad language, but mostly sweet and light.
Tarpley tries to interject his Ron and Rand Paul theories, which Alex doesn’t buy — but interesting — a battling of the minds.
Bilderberg pioneer-sleuth, Jim Tucker is in bad health, still smokes.
I think these times shown are in Alaska time, 4 hours early. I feel blessed to have been able to watch this live via this exciting Ustream technology.
– –

Part 1: 

June 2, 2012 at 5:33pm

Part 2:

June 2, 2012 at 5:52pm

* * *

The Tarpley/Jones debate is now also here, as Alex’s batteries continue to not lose their charge:

[youtube=]Tarpley, Jones: The Great Debate!

Published on Jun 4, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel

Pro-drug war activist and historian Webster Tarpley demonizes Ron Paul, likening his drug & gold policies to an evil leprechaun, after an in-depth interview. The drug war has enabled the police state but for Tarpley, marijuana is a dangerous “narcotic” and users should be jailed. We invite friend Tarpley to return to earth or clarify his statement. Ron Paul does not encourage drug use but knows decriminalization is the only way to diffuse the CIA drug ops. The prison industrial complex ruins many lives of non-violent offenders, particularly minorities, unnecessarily.!/RealAlexJones
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