Snowden Confirms Chinese Hackers Stole F-35 Plans, Used to Build Superior Fighter J-31

By Reid Schram, Epoch Times | January 21, 2015

Edward Snowden has leaked more information to the German newspaper, Der Spiegel. The leaked slides show that the Department of Defense knows that Chinese hackers, possibly working for the cyber division of the People Liberation Army, stole the plans for the stealth Joint Strike Fight F-35, also called the Lightning II.

China has recently shown off a prototype Shenyang J-31, which bears a striking resemblance to both the F-22 Raptor and the F-35. One senior military official who declined to be named said, “this is billions of dollars of combat advantage for China. They’ve just saved themselves 25 years of research and development. It’s nuts.”

The Shenyang J-31 is quite possibly equal to the F-22 Raptor, maybe even superior in some regards. The resemblance is at least strikingly similar. Having a stealth air superiority fighter jet would further diminish the influence of U.S. military assets.

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