41 physically attacked 10 times, almost killed once

1.23 meeting Fred Leuchter

Leuchter counted to 10 before he spoke, which was really effective, helping him to choose his words carefully. His testimony was very impressive!

1.30 “It was devastating!”

1.32 The Jews talk about the gas chambers less and less. They know. “Gas is becoming rare.”

1.37 “If the myth of the gas chambers crumbles, everything crumbles. It’s finished.”

1.49 author of 10 books

1.52 ‘6 million’ is all about the money. One of the comments: $ix million jew$

Believes he’ll get sued again, after doing this interview.

“God bless you,” Jim says!

• • •

[youtube=]Robert Faurisson Jim Rizoli interview 2015

Extraordinary Revisionists



Faurisson risks jail for 60-word summary of his research during Tehran conference

(video) 10 Hard Facts About the “Holocaust” in 6 Minutes!

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All of my Germany Real-History Truth articles (10 posts per page, latest appear first)