
SUSAN LINDAUER: “I’m becoming more scared. I had hopes for this generation.”

JAMES PERLOFF: “They have a lot more vaccines and a more politically correct agenda. One of the remarks I heard Mr. Steele make…: ‘the high school grads of the ’50s were more capable of critical thinking than the college grads of today.’ …

They say that since the smart phone was introduced, attention span has measurably decreased with the proportionate increase in the use of the smart phone. People don’t have the ability to focus like they did before, to read materials, which is often usually the best way to get a self education. …

If you want to get to the bottom of a crime like 9/11, you need to be able to look at facts, evidence, see what is likely, see what is merely there for propaganda purposes, rule out things that don’t make sense, and come to a logical conclusion.”

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

LISTEN HERE (James Perloff starts @ 61:30)

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AIRED: 02-04-2017

America is officially on the New World Order’s Take Down list! Former Presidential candidate, Robert D. Steele and historian James Perloff debate the forces at work destabilizing the peaceful transition of power in Washington. A crazy patchwork of anarchists from the Left who could care less about Interventionist Wars have banded with feminists willing to destroy modern rights for Arab women. Together they are uniting in defense of the New World Order, financed by war profiteer & failed human engineer, George Soros. In his Christmas letter to President Trump, available on the internet, Steele details the actions Trump must take to survive & prevail over the violence. In the second hour, Perloff describes the public ignorance factor, as a source of the problem. It’s now undeniable that Soros is financing a “color revolution” in the United States– following the model of the Arab Spring and the disastrous immigration flood into Europe. Heads up: Your faithful host (who spent a year in prison on the Patriot Act for opposing the Iraq War) defends America’s right to bar refugees from entering the United States. Whether you support immigrant policy or not, this is Soros’ game and the goal is breaking down the United States to submit to the will of the New World Order, and surrender control over our own national destiny. We’re not alone in hating Soros. The accompanying photo shows a massive rally against Soros in Macedonia.

website: www.robertdavidsteele.com