Freedom from Alaska!

(vid) Kevin MacDonald w/ Jesse Lee Peterson: Evolution, God, Anger, Immigration & Racism

Kevin MacDonald: Evolution, God, and Anger

Published on Aug 26, 2017

Kevin MacDonald ( evolutionary psychology professor and writer talks evolution and natural selection (survival of the fittest), brains getting bigger in subhuman primates. He doesn’t believe in God or Satan. He writes about “white identity,” and explains that whites were 90% of the population in 1960, when he was a liberal. He talks immigration policy. He said Jews, specifically the Frankfurt School, came up with propaganda that said whites should not believe in white identity (because that’s “racist”), but everyone else can have “identity politics.” He wanted equal treatment but didn’t want to transform the country. Jesse agrees that if whites become a minority it’s over for America. Whites were indoctrinated not to be “racist.” Why do whites allow themselves to be overtaken? They’re individualistic and want to be a good person. He became angry when he was writing his books (such as The Culture of Critique) and learned about immigration destroying the white majority. As he changed from liberal toward the right (he’s Identitarian now), liberal friends turned on him, stopped talking to him, including at Cal State Long Beach where he was a professor — he voted for Ronald Reagan in the 80s. At Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, VA, Alt-Right figure Baked Alaska was sprayed in the eyes with hydrochloric acid and he may go blind. Black Twitter is celebrating. How does Kevin MacDonald see most black people? They are very angry and maladjusted. Does he hate Jews? No. Does he love Jews? No. White men have a weak personality that causes destruction. Caller questions whether Jewish influence is as big as white advocates say.

Follow Kevin MacDonald on Twitter!

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Donate to support Jesse’s nonprofit, BOND: “Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man”

Other YouTube channels: – BOND – The Fallen State

Social Media:

Websites: Jesse’s site BOND nonprofit

Shows: The Jesse Lee Peterson Show (live M-F 6-9am PT) The Fallen State (seasonal Weds 6pm PT) Church (Sunday 11am PT)

Books by Jesse Lee Peterson:
The Antidote: Healing America From the Poison of Hate, Blame and Victimhood (2015)…
The Seven Guaranteed Steps to Spiritual, Family and Financial Success (1996, 2007): PAPERBACK:… KINDLE:
Scam: How the Black Leadership Exploits Black America (2005)…
From Rage to Responsibility (2000)…


(audio) Alison Chabloz: The Campaign Against Antisemitism Is Anti Civil Rights & Terrified Of Debate! — “What’s wrong with having an open debate? … The anti-revisionists don’t want this because they know that they will lose”


(vid) Jesse Lee Peterson: Women Discuss Their ANGER Toward Their FATHERS


  1. It’s sad to see some that are in our camp are atheists etc….But we deal with it.
    It’s about coming together to fight the real enemy of truth and that is primarily being the Zionist Jews.
    For the record…. they say half the Jews are atheists.


    • I fully agree. And some atheists seem to be strong fighters for the truth, but some may be plants too, or are more vulnerable to deception because of their rejection of God, like Eric H., for example, who switched sides.

      Since this really is at the core a spiritual battle, it’s very important that at least some of us are Christians and are led by the Holy Spirit Who helps us wade through this mess, and Who helps us fight and overcome through prayer the demonic forces that are behind this NWO takeover and destruction of society.

      Kevin is one whom I haven’t been very impressed with so far. He is a main guest on the David Duke show, perhaps because he also self-censors himself, refusing to tell the truth about the ‘Holocaust.’ I rarely find what he says interesting and worth listening to, so I’m glad that Jesse asked these difficult questions to him. He needs to get free.

      Kevin did change his opinion on key positions, so he could change on this one too in the future. I need to pray for him.

      I know of two of our friends who were atheists, and who now seem open to the truth about God.

      And even if I know someone is an open atheist, I’ll often post what they say, when they tell the truth about what’s really going on.

      Michael Rivero is openly atheist, and he doesn’t fully enough understand real German history yet, but I have transcribed some of his comments when he gets it right and tells the truth. I have also not posted many of his daily shows that I wanted to, because he would mock God or say false things about Germany.

      I have shared many of Stefan Molyneux’s videos; though, he often says he’s an atheist, and is a Jew. Sometimes he’s amazing, but many times not too. And he has mocked callers who told the truth about the ‘Holocaust’ or 9/11.

      Stefan just just had Jesse Lee Peterson on his show, and let Jesse say many things about God, forgiving others, etc.. I haven’t posted it yet, but will. I transcribed a bunch of quotes because it’s so good. It seems to me that Stefan is now open to Christianity being true. It’s tough for Jews to admit that though.

      A lot of times, I’ll see a video that I’d normally post right away, but want to transcribe some quotes first, which is often why I won’t post right away some of the most important videos, like a few of Ernst’s interviews, for example, which I need to finish, including the one you made.

      God bless!

      jeff : )

      • I like Jesse Lee Peterson, does he ever talk about the Holocaust?


        • Not that I know of, but I just started listening to him again. I’ve always liked his emphasis on forgiving others, which many ‘Christians,’ especially ‘Christian’ Zionists aren’t even hardly trying to do.

          Forgiving others is definitely a key part of being a real Christian, and may be the hardest thing to fully do enough. So anyone who actually focuses on that is incredible, in my way of thinking.

          “Perfect love cast out all fear” too, which actually could be translated as “perfectly loving casts out all fear,” because then demons have no right to put fear on us, when we walk in perfect love. Most pastors teach it as God loving us perfectly, but that’s not how it’s said by John.

          So because Jesse forgives, his heart is free from the demonic attacks on him, and he’s fearless, which shows by the bold questions he asks, and how he tells the truth about forgiving even on an atheist’s show here. And Stefan can tell Jesse is the real deal so he actually lets him talk:

          To me, this Molyneux show with Jesse from a week ago is AWESOME! I’ve actually transcribed many minutes of what Stefan allowed Jesse to say, but haven’t finished it yet. You may really appreciate this too.

          So because Jesse forgives, his heart is free from the demonic attacks on him, and he’s fearless, which shows by the bold questions he asks, and how he tells the truth about forgiving even on an atheist’s show here:


        • Thinking about your question further, Jesse is a columnist for WorldNetDaily, a ‘Christian’ Zionist site. If Jesse would ever tell the truth about the ‘Holocaust’ it’s likely WND would drop him in a heartbeat.

          Joseph Farah has been disappointing to me ever since I discover him and met him in ’99. He pushed our reverse-Christian wars and refused to expose what really happened on 9/11, and Talmudic Israel can do no wrong, as they destroy US.

          It’s possible that he reads the comments under his YouTube videos, if you’d ever like to try and get him up to speed.

          Speaking of YouTube, we should comment while we still can. It’s disgusting how YouTube are disabling comments on important videos, including two of your latest. I saw them do it to another recent one, elsewhere today.

          This is one of the reasons it’s important to expose what really happened in Charleston, because they’re using that as an excuse to censor, because a woman died; even though, those protesting the removal of statues almost certainly had nothing to do with it, and it was staged to blame them. And TalmudStream Media will only tell the official story, so most everyone goes back to sleep, thinking the truthers had it coming.

          I challenged David Duke once for self-censoring himself about telling the truth about the ‘Holocaust,’ and he wrote me back.

          There are way too many cowards who are more concerned about themselves than telling the truth, so people could be set free from the lies. They spend endless hours and shows on topics that are less important, but are safe.


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