World Affairs Brief, October 13, 2017 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.
Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (


Bill Still, who is a reliable source on the internet offered these additions to the story:
1) Witnesses saw “security guards chasing other security guards” (this may have been the security guard in the reflective vest that I mentioned in the video in last Friday’s brief, who can be shown drawing a machine pistol and firing at the crowd around gate 7).
2) The count of the rounds fired in one of the long bursts was 103 rounds with a 3/4 sec delay in between, *and* another of 72. That’s important because the largest capacity magazine found in the room was 100 round magazine—incapable of firing the 103 round burst. That means there was another shooter firing on the heels of the first shooter or using a belt fed machine gun.
3) All of the bump stock modified guns (2) in the room were jammed. This is typical of bump stock firing, and also an indication that Paddock could not have fired very many rounds.
4) Bill thinks Paddock was the patsy and the other accomplice in the room was there to kill him when his role as the patsy was complete.