James Perloff writes on his site:

January 27. I was the latest video guest of Rachael McIntosh (who describes her defense industry experiences in novels) on her revived show Shadow Citizen. We discussed Biden, COVID, censorship, writing, 5G, and false flags, including 9/11.

SC 003 James Perloff

Jan 27, 2021

Rachael L. McIntosh

Our friend James Perloff returns for his sixth appearance on Shadow Citizen. We will review the events of 2020, and discussing what might happen as 2021unfolds. A not to miss show to as we face a new year and new President.  READ MORE:

James Perloff is author of The Shadows of Power, an exposé of the Council on Foreign Relations that has sold over 100,000 copies, and two books about the evidence against Darwin’s theory of evolution, including Tornado in a Junkyard. He wrote for The New American magazine for nearly three decades. His 2013 book, Truth Is a Lonely Warrior, is a comprehensive primer on the New World Order, supplemented by his 2019 book, Thirteen Pieces of the Jigsaw. His newest release, out last August, is COVID-19 and the Agendas to Come, Red-Pilled. His website is www.jamesperloff.com and he is on Twitter as James Perloff. And for buying the book: For various ways to get a copy of COVID-19 and the Agendas to Come, Red-Pilled, including both paperback and free E-book versions, visit this page.



Rachael’s books:  http://www.rachaellmcintosh.com/books/

Map of Jan 6, 2021 video captures in DC:   https://thepatr10t.github.io/yall-Qae…

Time line of Jan 6, 2021 in DC videos : https://projects.propublica.org/parle…

Link to clips of the 1979 film “The Hamburg Syndrom” w/ English subtitles (9 min): https://youtu.be/Eth1P2gPgbg

Study from Australia / New Zealand Rachael mentions about 5G : https://www.researchgate.net/publicat…

A Comprehensive Review of the Research on Biological Effects of Pulsed

Radiofrequency Radiation in Russia and the Former Soviet Union:
