2:35 “We found that even those with high levels of vitamin D, over 50ng/ml, there was not an increased risk of hypercalcemia.”

3:30 Out of 20,000 people tested, they only found one case of vitamin D toxicity, hypercalcemia, and that person had been taking 50,000 iu of D every day for more than three months along with calcium.

Vitamin D Toxicity Rare in People Who Take Supplements, Mayo Clinic Researchers Report

Apr 30, 2015

Over the past decade, numerous studies have shown that many Americans have low vitamin D levels and as a result, vitamin D supplement use has climbed in recent years. Vitamin D has been shown to boost bone health and it may play a role in preventing diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease and other illnesses. In light of the increased use of vitamin D supplements, Mayo Clinic researchers set out to learn more about the health of those with high vitamin D levels. They found that toxic levels are actually rare. Their study appears in the May issue of Mayo Clinic Proceedings. For more information, see the Mayo Clinic News Network: http://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/