Joel Skousen on employees given the testing option instead of complete jab freedom:

“I’m against all testing because of its unreliability and the false stigma it puts upon you, not to mention the irritating possibility of quarantine over nothing.”

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World Affairs Brief October 22, 2021

Testing Options in Limbo Too

My Washington State source correctly noted that, “Some states like NY and CA, allow testing as a way out of the vax mandate. Others, like WA, do not have a testing option. Indeed, the Seattle Police Union tried to win that arrangement for their officers to no avail. Others still, namely Chicago, are allowing a testing option, but only for 6 months. Therefore, I am forecasting that the states that currently allow testing will remove that option sometime in the next 6-12 months.”

I think he’s right—slowly all accommodations will disappear as the noose tightens. I’m against all testing because of its unreliability and the false stigma it puts upon you, not to mention the irritating possibility of quarantine over nothing.