World Affairs Brief, March 11, 2022 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (


Hardline conservatives have become so adept at seeing the constant lies of the mainstream media, especially during the last two years when so much about the Covid pandemic was falsified, that they have come to the flawed conclusion that everything the establishment media says must be false, that globalists can only lie, and that those they attack must be our friends. Last week I spent considerable time and effort trying to explain why many conservatives are wrong in their attempts to blame the Ukraine war on globalist intervention and that Putin is not a friend to the anti-globalist cause and that he is not “liberating Ukraine” from these nasty globalists. Despite my historical evidence that the 2014 Maidan coup in Ukraine was a falsified coup to bring to power a Putin puppet (Petro Poroshenko), conservatives continue to believe it was a Western coup. They continue to produce and spread a massive barrage of pro-Putin and anti-Zelensky opinions within the alternative media—even to the extent of refusing to believe all the reports and pictures of the real state of the Russian attacks on civilians in urban areas in Ukraine; they have become one-dimensional thinkers. But the world is much more sophisticated and deceptive now. Both Putin and the globalists are masters of deception, false flags, infiltration and corruption. The globalists can easily switch sides and even tell the truth when it suits their purposes. This week I will explain why they are doing so now with Russia.

The lynchpin in conservative arguments that Ukraine is a corrupt nation linked to Western globalists is the role of Victoria Nuland of the State Department and her neo-con husband Robert Kagan, who helped pen the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) that gave us the 9/ll “new Pearl Harbor” and the phony war on terror. Yes, both are part of the evil globalist Deep State. As I said in the brief, the Eastern European desk of State Department under her leadership was pouring a few billions in aid into Ukraine, buying influence (such as getting them to accept the 11 US bio weapons labs into the country), but that doesn’t mean they control Ukraine. Ukrainian susceptibility to corruption was a holdover from the Soviet days when most bureaucrats in Ukraine were communist. Corruption and bribes is not a recent phenomenon.

That doesn’t mean the ultimate allegiance of high-level bureaucrats is up for sale. Unlike the end of WWII when Germany was de-Nazified, none of the former Soviet states purged their bureaucracies of Communists. They continued in their positions of influence and continued to exact bribes for “service” just like during Soviet days, for which Ukrainians complained loudly. Every phony “pro-Ukrainian nationalist” president after the phony “fall” of the Soviet Union promised to purge corruption within the Ukraine government, but none did.

This gave Putin an unending stream of spies and collaborators within Eastern European nations that perpetuated Russian influence, which was especially useful after many of these former Soviet satellite states joined NATO and accepted their help. Don’t assume that everyone who took Nuland’s money is then controlled by the West. Some political favors go to the highest bidder, but the ultimate allegiance is not.

As I’ve documented before the anti-Russian 2013-14 “Maidan” uprising was ultimately manipulated to have the then president, pro-Russian Viktor Yanukovych, “flee” as the protestors appeared to win, but only to bring Petro Poroshenko to power. Poroshenko was another puppet president to Russia feigning to be a Ukrainian nationalist, who proceeded to provoke and provide excuses for Ukraine’s Russian-speaking people in Donbas to revolt under Russian instigation, and allowed Russia to surreptitiously invade. Poroshenko campaigned as a moderate saying he would protect the Russian speakers’ right to speak Russian but betrayed that after winning, requiring all to speak Ukrainian. Why would someone do that, after so many years living peaceably together with both languages unless he was trying to provoke these people?

Last week, I failed to explain adequately why the pro-Russian government would fake their own demise in a coup made to look like a Western coup. This is the reason:

President Yanukovych as a communist and pro-Russian president couldn’t have gotten away with provoking and antagonizing the Donbas—it wouldn’t have made sense to the pro-Russian minority in Ukraine to have a communist ally of Putin do that. Only Poroshenko, posing as Pro-western Ukraine nationalist could serve that purpose, believably, and give the Russians the excuse to invade eventually. That is the reason behind the Yanukovych faking the coup and faking his having to flee the country.

I have long complained about the globalists and their media friends downplaying the Russian threat in past decades, making deals with Russia and China. Part of it was not wanting to alert Americans to this future existential threat that the globalists were helping to arm and create, but the other main purpose was to build up future enemies because they needed another world war to achieve their globalist objectives and merge all Western nations into a militarized NWO.

But I warned years ago that when they start attacking Russia, you will know that war is getting close and that Russia and China can no longer be deterred. Just prior to WWIII, the globalists don’t want to be caught being on the “soft on Russia” side that they promoted for decades—hence the current anti-Russia switch. It began a bit earlier than they wanted after Trump was elected when they decided to falsify links between Trump and the Russians to claim Russian interference in our elections.

My prediction is coming true: Even Foreign Affairs, the globalist CFR publication warned this week that, “Washington Must Prepare for War With Both Russia and China by Matthew Kroenig, deputy director of the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security. Gen. Brent Scowcroft was Henry Kissinger’s primary staff assistant.

Remember clear back in 2008 during Mitt Romney’s run for the Presidency, how so many in the media complained loudly when Romney said Russia was our biggest geopolitical foe? At that time, they were still in the “cover for Russia” mode. Now they are lauding Romney for his “foresight.” Well, I’m no fan of Romney, and when pressured by CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, he backpedaled and called Iran the “biggest threat.” So it wasn’t because he understood foreign policy or the Russian threat, he was just fed these lines of thought from his advisors to take a unique position.

In any case, it’s true today, and now that the globalists and media have, since 2016, switched to the “attack Russia” mode, conservatives are thinking, “if the media and the globalists are attacking Russia, it must be disinformation” like everything else put out by the media about the exaggerated pandemic and the vaccines.

But what pro-Russian conservatives don’t realize is they are unwittingly falling into a trap. When the Russians join with the Chinese in attacking the US military bases with nuclear weapons in the future, anyone who is seen as pro-Russia in the past will be open to being attacked as a “subversive,” and “aiding and abetting an enemy.” Not only will it give them the excuse to censor conservatives further, it could be an excuse to put them away like the Japanese-American internment camps. Being anti-globalist to boot will make them a double target.

So be careful about being reactionary to anti-globalist ideas. We all have to think carefully through the complexity of the grand deceptions we are dealing with in these last days from both the globalists, the Russians and the Chinese perspective. As I tried to tell readers last week, all three of these predators are evil and deceptive, so don’t ever get on the side defending any of these enemies.

Already there are signs of this smear campaign on conservatives. Stooges like former-VP Mike Pence came out saying there’s no room in the GOP for ‘apologists for Putin‘. Someday they will spring this trap on Trump supporters who are defending Putin just like the Deep State lured Trump supporters into the capitol on Jan 6, and then prosecuted hundreds of them, sending them into prison or indefinite confinement in the DC Jail.

Sadly, I feel like my voice is getting drowned out by other conservatives with whom I can usually reason with. Many conservatives are doubling down on their opinions and taking refuge in all the other conservatives parroting the same pro-Russian claims. So many including Alex Jones, Jeff Rense, Greg Reese, Paul Craig Roberts and many more are repeating these pro-Putin sentiments. I stand almost alone among conservatives teaching how to see through the fog of deception. Some are calling me a shill for the establishment, which shows deep ignorance of my long history of fighting against the globalist deep state.

Putin’s increasingly heavy-handed tactics in Ukraine is already proving me right. But the stubborn won’t be convinced until Russia and China start WWIII and it becomes only too-obvious how false their hope was in the “benevolent and helpful” Vladimir Putin in the fight against globalism! Putin himself wants to run his own version of the NWO after the West is defeated.

Of course there will still be plenty of blame owned by the globalists for WWIII, and they certainly will have played a role in provoking it, but Russia and China are not innocent dupes, but predators with their own secret agenda to rule the world. People keep watching the public statements by Putin and Xi as proof of their lack of evil future intent, but their public speeches are never going to reveal their real ambitions, just as none of the “former” communists in Russia have admitted that they faked the phony “fall” of the Soviet Union.

And, just because Putin is feigning being a Christian or China feigning semi-capitalism with the West, for economic advantage, doesn’t mean they have changed. All who engage in secret conspiracies of power are masters of deception. Don’t ever take them at face value.

There are stark historical similarities to what Putin is doing now in taking back the old Soviet Satellite countries, which are comparable to Hitler’s first moves in WWII by first absorbing Czechoslovakia and Austria. Putin also said that he “will never give up on [the] conviction that Russians and Ukrainians are one people.” This mirrors what Hitler said with “Ein Volk und ein Reich” (one people and one country). Russia appears to be assembling the new Reich with Mr. Putin is the new Führer over all the former Soviet peoples, even though most were never Russian. Western Ukraine will never accept that even if conquered.

President Zelensky is increasingly shocked and discouraged that the West is not going to step in to stop the eventual fall of Ukraine.