In this Episode of The Human Upgrade™…
… natural vision expert Claudia Muehlenweg shares interesting knowledge and practical solutions about how you can take better care of your eyes and improve your vision. In this longer episode,

You’ll discover ways you can improve your vision through natural methods that start with root causes in your body, including nervous system regulation.
You’ll explore bodywork, breathwork, rest, light and movement healing methods.
You’ll find out the essential Dos and Don’ts for good eyesight.
You’ll get practical suggestions for things you can do right now to offset the effects of screen time.
You’ll learn how you can keep your vision sharp throughout your life span.
Claudia began wearing glasses at a young age and always disliked them. She even got bullied for wearing them in a time when glasses were not considered cool or in any way fashionable.

After working to improve her own eyesight, Claudia founded Holistic Vision LLC to help others. Her work is based in the Bates Method. She focuses on finding the root cause of blurry vision instead of using symptomatic treatments like glasses, contacts or surgery that actually can make eyesight worse in the long term.

Apr 7, 2022