49:10 Wokeness and the ‘woke mind virus’ was ‘absolutely’ driving the decisions. They were “swimming in the woke Kool-Aid.”

51:10 They reduced the amount of code from 700,000 to 70,000 lines.

52 Elon is dedicated to free speech, even if they lose money; though, he’s trying to make it at least break even, so they can stay in business. Says it’s easy to “sell one’s soul to the Devil” and cave. Elon has been establishing the rules.

59 “Legalize comedy.” How wokeness destroys comedy. “A lot of people on the left have no sense of humor.” They’re “not funny,” because they’re not based in truth.

1:05:40 Elon will still be responsible for the core principles of Twitter, which the new CEO understands.