Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Homeless Predicament

Tucker & Michael Shellenberger Break Down the California Fires — “The genius of the left is that they are so successful at masking their real agenda behind something else. Their agenda is the destruction of civilization!”

INSIGHTFUL discussion!

1:19:00 “The genius of the left is that they are so successful at masking their real agenda behind something else. ‘You know, we just want equality for people of color. We just want to create equal opportunity for migrants.’ No, their agenda is the destruction of civilization. And it’s working in LA.”

Meth makes people want to light fires.

The mayor was elected ONLY because she was black.

No change in precip, historically. NOT climate change.

Sounds like Anchorage Assembly’s Nihilistic anti-civilation mentality:

Minute-32 “We don’t belong here. We stole this land.”

0:00 How Many Fires Are There? Where Did They Come From?
3:03 Are Meth Heads Lighting the Fires?
14:56 DEI Fire Departments
34:44 Leftists Blame Climate Change Yet Again
36:47 Gavin Newsom Is Too Busy Hating Trump to Fight the Fires
48:30 The Golden Age of Journalism
51:34 California Homelessness and Drug Addiction
1:02:54 Why Wasn’t California Prepared?
1:24:00 Mass Looting
1:26:41 The Future of California
1:31:00 The Intel Agencies Are Losing Control
1:37:03 Drones, UAPs, and Anti-Gravity Tech
2:11:02 Shawn Ryan’s Coverage of the Cybertruck Explosion

“Homeless Camps In Alaska” Area Six the Return – Railroad Station Downtown Anchorage — Near fatal incident filmed; tent sliced on camera

Anchorage homeless violently knifes a homeless person’s tent live on camera. The man who was inside the tent jumped out and pulls what looks like a gun in response. He probably didn’t use it because he saw he was being filmed by Politadick.

This could have been a fatality.

Video should start at this incident, 38:11


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