Freedom from Alaska!

Alex Jones TV: ~”The globalists are the enemies of capitalism. Once they use a fraudulent system to wreck it they then blame capitalism and say: ‘more globalism, more regulations. That is the solution to all of your problems.'”

“The globalists…are the enemies of capitalism.
Once they use a fraudulent system to wreck it,
they then blame capitalism and say:
‘more globalism, more serfdom, more regulations.
That will fix it; that will help you; that will take care of you.
That is the solution to all of your problems.'”

– Alex Jones

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

[youtube=]A Lady in The Night – Alex Jones Tv

Uploaded by on Jul 5, 2011


Alex Jones Tv: FBI Drove Ernest Hemingway to Suicide!


Alex Jones TV: “The Evil You do Today” Rant


  1. Brandon D

    I like what Alex is saying, and I agree that what nearly all our leaders are doing is evil, but I don’t understand why there is such a crusade among you guys to “champion” capitalism. I’m no proponent of socialism (or any economic system for that matter), but capitalism certainly has its own massive flaws. In my eyes, a good man doesn’t champion economic systems, but rather simple human virtues such as honesty and integrity, and NO economic system embodies these principles, so we cannot take the lazy route and blindly serve one or the other.

    As I see it, capitalism is not the amazing untouchable “holy idea” that the western power-structure has hyped it up to be. Strip away all the fancy talk, and the philosophy underlying capitalism is fundamentally anti-christian: “Serve yourself, and as a by-product you will serve your fellow man.” The fundamental idea underpinning capitalism is selfishness. This does not even remotely resemble “love thy neighbor as thy self”.

    The positive aspect of capitalism is self-reliance, and this must certainly be acknowledged. But holding up capitalism as some sort of “holy idea” on par with freedom or liberty itself is just dishonest. Capitalism is the cause of many of society’s current ills, and by blindly adhering to the idea that capitalism will “save” us is the same as blindly adhering to a certain political party regardless of the party member’s (George W?) actions.

    There are ideas within capitalism that are worth utilizing for a society to function and to help people grow. But capitalism also breeds self-centeredness and dishonesty, if one truly looks at it with eyes unclouded by “patriotism”, but with the simple desire to see what is good and what is not good. The most capitalistic among us do not teach “love thy neighbor”, but in fact teach the opposite, which is “deceive thy neighbor, because this will benefit you”.

    I realize the ideas I’m talking about are probably WAY down the road for us as a society, but we have to eventually leave behind our loyalties to these fancy ideas and strive to keep our eyes on the simple virtues rather than take the lazy road of absolute loyalty to any political or economic theory. That avenue leaves us wide open for deception.

    Lastly, thanks for posting all the material that you put up, I definitely appreciate it.

    • Jeff Fenske


      I appreciate your thoughtful remarks. I just added this to Alex Jones TV: “The Evil You do Today” Rant

      CLARIFICATION: I’m personally not a Give me liberty or give me death person. But if we don’t keep our liberties they will give us death. The police state is coming, worse than Mao’s cultural revolution, where the Christians and the intellectuals were slaughtered or just publicly dehumanized until many cracked.

      I highlight much of what Alex says. He is opening many people’s eyes, and I agree with most of what he says, but not everything. And my personality is much different.

      My number one passion is that real Christianity would happen in the hearts of men and women. Then no matter what comes down the pike we’re ready for. I major on this at my spiritual site: ONEcanhappen.

      I think I agree with much of what you say. Even Ron Paul (Mr. Libertarian, himself) says ~”if we wouldn’t spend so much overseas we could take care of the people here.”

      For example, the main reason I oppose Obamacare is not mainly because I oppose state-funded health care. If Obamacare was actually health care and not mainly Big Pharma, I could accept that. See: Dr. Scott Johnson: Pharmakeia — Sorcery, Pharmaceuticals & the Roots of Modern Day Drug Industry. “You cannot drug your body into good health.” “Drugs are not going to take the demons away.” “They’ve swept the symptoms under the rug for so long that now they’re a surgical candidate.”

      And they’re giving Ron Paul a lot of grief for wanting to legalize drugs, but he knows the CIA is running the drugs. To legalize them is to dry up their main source of black ops funds. He won’t say this, or they’d further crucify him. Though check this out: [1988] Feisty Ron Paul Castigated for Opposing CIA Drug Running, Shouting for State’s Rights!

      And Ron wants us to obey the Constitution, which we hardly are. The states should be deciding these issues for themselves. We are no longer a true republic or a true democracy. The more they take us away from the Constitution the more we become a police state. It won’t be a benevolent socialism. It will be ‘off with your heads.’

      This is what Alex is fighting: a globalist, one-world government in which no one can buy or sell unless they take the microchip (or whatever the ‘mark’ is) and bow down to the Antichrist — which is coming. We know this because of what the Bible says. We just don’t know when. But it looks close.

      They’re breaking the will of the people, who are already willing to go through the naked body scanners even though the danger of getting killed by a terrorist is less than the danger of getting killed by lightning or a bee sting.

      It’s all happening by design, and the people are falling for it.

      Alex isn’t everyone’s style. Maybe you’d appreciate more so Dr. Stanley Monteith’s carefully researched, historical perspective. I have a Dr. Stanley Monteith category.

      This isn’t socialism they’re bringing on. It’s in the guise of socialism, and this is very much so a spiritual battle.

      What they want is total tyranny. And they’re advancing right now at break-neck speed.

      Our government is already becoming more fascist than a democracy or a republic.

      And by the way, it is many people’s opinion that the only thing keeping the socialist countries relatively free is because we’re still relatively free. The globalists need to take out US in order to take over everyone. And at the top of the pyramid of power are the secret societies leaders who are controlled by Satan.

      The secret societies to a very large degree control the media and both political parties. And I show on this site how they control most politicians. Republicans Blackmailable is good category for that (in my Categories pull-down menu).

      I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’m primarily focused on exposing the deceptions aimed at the right that are bringing us into the police state. I’m trying to help the conservatives see that by supporting the average Republican and by watching Fox News and listening to Rush Limbaugh they are actually supporting our demise. And much of this agenda is reverse-Christian dressed up as nationalism.

      And just as we are not a true republic or democracy, we don’t have a free market either. The globalists make sure of that. And if you read enough of Dr. Monteith’s material you will see how this is done.

      This is an interesting historical fact that the media is reversing: AMAZING!!! Historians Twist History of the Great Depression(s) to Make Gov’t Intervention Appear Desirable

      This is also a great exposé: [IMPORTANT! 74-minute, real history video] Charlotte Iserbyt: The Secret History of Western Education — The Scientific Destruction of Minds Her father was a Skull and Bones member, and she was on Reagan’s staff. She says it like it is.

      I have a Real History category so we can see what has truly been going on. It is so different than what we are taught in our public schools. We’ve been so deceived that it takes extensive, active research to get deprogrammed.

      What we’re fighting and trying to alert people about is tyranny, disguised as “loving our brother.” What they have mind will enslave people to the nth degree. It’s not what they say it is. There is so much lying going on. They’re brainwashing, mind-controlling US.

      Ron Paul is just the opposite. He’s trying to keep us independent of global slavery and the banksters that rule the world.

      Again, I appreciate your comment. What you say indicates to me that I’m not being clear enough to show where I’m coming from. I would appreciate any further comments or suggestions.

      May we all be ONE, just as Jesus said in John 17!

      God bless!

      Jeff Fenske : )

    • Jeff Fenske


      I should have also said this too about the virtues of libertarianism — where people are personally responsible and where neighbors step in to help those in dire straights.

      The government isn’t necessarily supposed to be the Good Samaritan. People are.

      In the old days, families used to take care of each other — and encourage each other to succeed. We still had a soul.

      In the old days, churches used to help the poor. Doctors used to volunteer their time. And we all helped each other succeed. We were accountable to each other.

      Now we just expect the government to do it and America is losing its soul in decadence.

      So I do prefer the libertarian system under the Constitution and the Bill of Rights — the way our government is supposed to be if we had followed them.

      I don’t think Jim Wallis’ Sojourners’ ~”we should be Christ to people through government programs” is really a Christian mission. It just encourages people to check out.

      But I don’t hardly ever talk about Jim Wallis, or think about him. He is a kind man who means well; though, I think he’s enabling the system. My emphasis on this site is to help expose the globalists’ agenda, which is to bring absolute tyranny to us all.


    • Jeff Fenske


      Is it Christian love to give to those who can work, or could get and stay healthy, but won’t? Isn’t that being an enabler, so then we have a dysfunctional family?

      I’ve been to a Kibbutz in Israel, and I think that set up is very interesting, and could work for certain groups of people at the local level. But everyone works. Everyone does something.

      Socialism in the purest form (which we don’t have, nor are we heading towards) sells itself as taking care of the have nots. So then no one goes hungry or doesn’t have health care, whether they work or not. With the rewards incentive gone, not much gets done, which is why China has changed their policies so there is in many cases an incentive to work. And of course, China is Communist, where there still is hardly any freedom of religion.

      In the New Testament, Paul said this to the Thesselonians, chapter 3:

      6 Now we command you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you withdraw yourselves from every brother who walks in rebellion, and not after the tradition which they received from us. 7 For you know how you ought to imitate us. For we didn’t behave ourselves rebelliously among you, 8 neither did we eat bread from anyone’s hand without paying for it, but in labor and travail worked night and day, that we might not burden any of you; 9 not because we don’t have the right, but to make ourselves an example to you, that you should imitate us. 10 For even when we were with you, we commanded you this: “If anyone will not work, neither let him eat.” 11 For we hear of some who walk among you in rebellion, who don’t work at all, but are busybodies. 12 Now those who are that way, we command and exhort in the Lord Jesus Christ, that with quietness they work, and eat their own bread. 13 But you, brothers, don’t be weary in doing well.

      So is it Christian love, loving our brother or sister to enable them to not take personal charge of their lives, and get over their stuff. This also enables the churches to not be real again — so miracles can happen, people can come in and get healed emotionally and physically? And then those whole people would know enough not to support immoral wars and dictators.

      I don’t think we’re going to turn this thing around, politically. However, I still try somewhat, but I’m not nearly as enthusiastic about Ron Paul becoming President this time around. The people are too far gone. They’re in the palm of the globalists’ hands, both the right and the left. The people are morally bankrupt, so a republic cannot survive.

      Dr. Stanley Monteith: “You can’t have limited government unless you have moral people”

      Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from Radio Liberty, 11/05/08, Open Lines

      “America was great not because we have fields of waving grain, and we’ve got a great big country with a lot of natural resources.

      America was great because we had a system of government based upon a belief in God, that man’s freedom came from God, and the power of the government was to be limited over the lives of the people with the realization that if you had moral people you could have limited government.

      Unfortunately when you have immoral people you’re going to have unlimited government. That seems to be the way we’re going. …

      You can’t have limited government unless you have moral people.”

      – Dr. Stanley Monteith

      We’re too far gone. The pastors, so far will not repent so they can truly lead, or let those lead who truly should, so we can have revival — The Third Great Awakening, which will rock the world!

      This could still slow the globalist move down, but the longer we wait the less the effect can be.

      I don’t think there is hope to turn our government around in to being something healthy. However, our local communities could rock once we get our act together spiritually, especially!

      I think the coming years could be the best times in our lives, spiritually, while they might be the worst times in our lives, everything falling down around us.


  2. Brandon D

    Thanks very much for the comments, out of all the politicians out there Ron Paul is definitely my favorite, with Dennis Kucinich second. Only a person who is acting on their own principles would continually vote the same way and support the same ideas for decades and decades, and if a leader can demonstrate that they are genuinely acting on their principles then I don’t care whether they are republican or democrat.

    I actually do like Alex jones alot, but I also get a general impression of violence from him and his words, which places me slightly at a distance.

    I understand your capitalism argument regarding “giving” to those who work but won’t. However, I don’t consider that an argument “for capitalism” by any means, simply an argument “against socialism” in our current society.

    I do believe that a healthy human being receives satisfaction and prides himself in his work, as long as there is even a remote personal connection to this work. Only in a profoundly unhealthy and dissociated society do we require a monetary incentive to goad people into working. This is because people generally have no personal connection to their work whatsoever, and are also aware at some level that their “work” is really only strengthening the machinery that is making us all slaves.

    So yes you are correct, pure socialism would not work in an unhealthy society. But neither would pure capitalism. There are principles of both that would, I believe, strengthen society and raise people up to health. But I’m not a social engineer so I certainly wouldn’t know how to make that happen!

    • Jeff Fenske


      Well I don’t think that I think in terms of capitalism much, regarding how a government should be structured. The ideal would be a benevolent dictator, but even if we’d get one, who would be the next?

      There must be checks and balances, and our Constitution was set up brilliantly; though, the people aren’t making sure the leaders follow it, so we’re toast.

      The courts have even given the rights of individuals to the corporations, which is part of the reason we’re actually a corporatocracy.

      I think in terms of liberty and personal responsibility, and I think if collectivism should happen, it should be more at the local level, voluntarily, if the season is right for such a thing.

      Even states should be able to do what they want, instead of giving up their sovereignty by doing what the Feds say in order to get taxes back for the programs. The Federal government has no business being in education, for example. They’re turning us into zombies.

      I like Kucinich too, and have a category for him. But he’s often not Constitutional, and he sold out to Obama on Obamacare after a plane ride. I have a lot of respect for him, though.

      Alex doesn’t understand that our warfare is not against flesh and blood, but principalities in the heavenly realms. Dr. Stanley Moneith understands this more so. But Alex is such a great communicator and covers so much ground, I feel like he is a great gift to us; even though, he won’t get right with at least some of those he’s hurt: Alex is in trouble! Has a lack of moral character split the main resistance to the one-world government?

      Just think what could be accomplished if Alex would admit he was wrong, tell the truth, and come clean. The ends don’t always justify the means.

      Alex needs more fear of God and respect for the law. I’m concerned that one day, I’ll turn on my computer and read about something that happened to Alex — something that shouldn’t have happened had he hated evil but not people.

      He doesn’t have to be biblically qualified to be a key leader in the infowar, but he has to be right with God and people to be able to go to heaven.

      He needs a friend who can encourage him to take some time off to make some phone calls to apologize to whom and for what he should. Then he could site behind the Infowars mic with so much more integrity, calmness, and even power, perhaps.

      We should really pray for those who know him personally….

      Like Joel Skousen was trying to balance Alex out; though, they don’t hang out. He needs some analytical folks with integrity to help balance him.

      Anyway, some people think I’m too liberal, because I stand up to the irrationalities of the religious right. It’s amazing how they supported George W. Bush no matter what.

      I also have a lot of respect for musician, Michael Franti, but once Obama was elected he sure caved, and just became goofy.

      This is why we need to get at the root of what is really going on here. It’s not about left or right, it’s about spiritual forces that want to take us down. And when an elected official whom we support goes the wrong direction that is precisely the time to stand up.

      But Obama and Bush are hand-picked figureheads who will do whatever they are told to do.

      I don’t understand how Obama can give us an obviously faked birth certificate and get away with it. Even if he were a good guy he is totally blackmailable. They make sure all of the Presidents are. I cover the Republicans in my Republicans Blackmailable category, but you could watch The Clinton Chronicles to get an idea of what they had on Bill Clinton. And Jimmy Carter sold out from the get-go. I don’t know why he had no backbone.

      I think much of the problem is that people don’t think that people can be that evil, which is why I have the ‘THEY’ couldn’t be that EVIL?? category. And this is a main reason why I greatly liked The Lord of the Rings movies. People and beings can really be that evil, and these are the ones who desire positions of power enough to do whatever to get there. And this can be true of the media too.

      So that is more of where I’m coming from.

      Jeff Fenske

  3. Brandon D

    “Alex doesn’t understand that our warfare is not against flesh and blood, but principalities in the heavenly realms.”

    Well said. Thanks again for the comments

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