“The Federal Reserve is the branch, governorship management system of the New World Order. It is the head of the snake. These are the people who have stolen tens of trillions of tax payer money. This is the criminal group that got rid of the Glass-Steagall law, and allowed the mega banks to issue trillions of dollars of ponzi scheme, fake paper. These are the people worldwide that want your pension funds…, that want to create VAT and sales taxes…. Break the conditioning!!”

– Alex Jones

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0AJy4pJUE8]The Revolution Against the Federal Reserve Starts Now

Uploaded by on Oct 6, 2011

Public sentiment has shifted– against the trends of Washington and Wall Street– and now, against the private Federal Reserve bank which controls or influences so much of the world’s finances. Where as only a few years ago many Americans were unaware of the true nature of the shadowy organization, recent polls confirm that the public overwhelmingly wants to audit and even abolish the Federal Reserve bank.

The momentum for a second American revolution is stirring, but the establishment is working overtime to steer the public’s anger into easy controlled avenues and big government solutions. Instead, by striking at the root of the true problems, we can attempt to reign in the predatory banking powers that plague our nation and begin to restore the Republic.

The Federal Reserve banking system is at the root of that problem and a perpetual impediment towards ending the global economic crisis that continues to grow. Join Alex Jones to “occupy” the Dallas Federal Reserve, or take the message to a Fed branch near you. We must start now by focusing media and political attention on this issue, and through our presence at these banks, start brushfires in the minds of men that will tip the momentum in favor of liberty and independence for all.


Alex Jones bullhorns the Houston FED: “YEAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!”