From: Yahoo! UK & Ireland Answers

Do antidepressants dull feelings
so you are unable to cry anymore
or feel much at all?

Read Responses Here


Skousen: Anti-Depressants Suppress the Conscience Part of the Brain

Dr. Scott Johnson: Pharmakeia — Sorcery, Pharmaceuticals & the Roots of Modern Day Drug Industry. “You cannot drug your body into good health.” “Drugs are not going to take the demons away.” “They’ve swept the symptoms under the rug for so long that now they’re a surgical candidate.”

[ audio ] Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez on Steve Job’s Cancer & CONVENTIONAL MEDICINE is LIKE a RELIGION — “The NIH, NCI, or American Cancer Society has its TEMPLES, PRIESTHOOD. It has its IRRATIONAL BELIEFS. It has its own SPECIAL LANGUAGE. It has its TOOLS, it has its RITUALS. … The reason Linda McCartney went for a bone marrow transplant is not because she read the data…. It was a FAITH issue. … Conventional doctors can fail and still be considered HEROES. Alternative doctors succeed, and…”

Boot camp kills the conscience so soldiers can do evil without being convicted in their hearts

What I think is represented in how I titled this post on my spiritual site, ONEcanhappen, which also has spiritually related links:

Various testimonies: Do anti-depressants dull feelings so you are unable to cry anymore or feel much at all? — What happens when you treat a spiritual and/or nutritional deficiency problem with a brain altering chemical? It doesn’t cure the root problem, which is often demonic. When people were sick in Jesus’ day He often merely cast out the demons, which is what I do every day. Dulling one’s senses chemically is very dangerous spiritually. If we’re guilty we want to be able to FEEL the guilt so we’ll get right so we can be FREE!