Let’s look at the BIG PICTURE

It’s about globalism —

“a world, single, electronic currency
that would replace all other currencies.”

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske at ToBeFree

“The whole money system has been designed from its creation to be a system of human enslavement and human control and human suppression.”

“They want a world, single, electronic currency that would replace all other currencies.”

“What about when there’s no cash, and that computer says ‘no’ to your credit card or your microchip, as it’s designed to be eventually?”

“People say ‘Oh, the Euro’s not working, look!’ No, it’s not. You know why? It’s not supposed to work. It’s just a stepping stone.”

“It’s centralization of power in this world that has got us into this mess.”

“If we’re not very, very careful, many of the Occupy protestors are going to be manipulated — unless they get streetwise about the game and how it’s played. They are going to get manipulated into accepting, even demanding a solution to a problem that is going to make the problem even worse, and the enslavement of humanity even more extreme.”


“Read ‘1984….”

The climate change agenda

– David Icke

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[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lW4J1e2WW68]David Icke: Essential Knowledge For A Wall Street Protester

Uploaded by on Oct 21, 2011

David Icke – Essential Knowledge For A Wall Street Protester. Recorded & Filmed by Chris Williamson & Lucius Borich at K e y s o u n d s t u d i o s Sydney Australia 20/10/2011.


Jeff Fenske: My Perspective on Real-Historian David Icke | [Don McLean ‘Vincent’ (Starry, Starry Night) music video] Tribute to Real Historian (still living) David Icke: Perhaps They’ll Listen — “…How you tried to set them free. They would not listen, they’re not listening still. Perhaps they never will.”