Freedom from Alaska!

(videos) ELYSIUM: ONE OF THE MOST RACIST FILMS IN HISTORY: MOVIE REVIEW – “Open the borders. Make everyone a citizen…” — The film will undoubtedly rekindle immigration ‘reform’ legislation critical to the ultimate success of the globalist effort to destroy America and usher in an authoritarian one-world government and planet-wide serfdom enforced by a high-tech surveillance and police state!

I finally saw Elysium. Alex is right. This movie really is pure propaganda, excellently done — very powerful!

This first video, below, is especially good, and I start with two key quotes, the nun (giving the spiritual mandate — a mission from God) and Spider, both speaking to Max (Matt Damon):

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Nun: “Sometimes in life we don’t understand why things are the way they are. But I know one thing. I know you are special. You will do something very important one day. Something you were born for.”

Spider: “Open the borders. Make everyone a citizen of Elysium.”

* * *

August 10, 2013

Despite the overt allusions to class warfare and a focus on a tarnished and out-moded socialist narrative of rich-vs-poor, Elysium is primarily about immigration “reform” and the stalled effort in Congress to pass legislation legalizing millions of illegal aliens. Idealized and romanticized pet liberal causes come in second. Propaganda Dissected

TheAlexJonesChannel TheAlexJonesChannel | Published on Aug 9, 2013

Despite the overt allusions to class warfare and a focus on a tarnished and out-moded socialist narrative of rich-vs-poor, Elysium is primarily about immigration “reform” and the stalled effort in Congress to pass legislation legalizing millions of illegal aliens. Idealized and romanticized pet liberal causes come in second.

Elysium producer Simon Kinberg promised the film will address “immigration, health care, and class issues.” Hollywood liberals know glitzy, action-packed Hollywood films and television shows are the most effective delivery vehicle for pushing their neo-Marxist idealism on the masses. “If you think you’re actually going to make a difference or change anything, you’re on pretty dangerous thin ice. But you can put ideas in there that are real issues that are happening in the world,” Kinberg told Vulture’s Kyle Buchanan in April.

Kinberg led off with immigration — and that topic is at the very core of the film’s message.

James Hirsen summarizes Elysium’s plot-line:

Wealthy elitists live in a place called Elysium, which incidentally is another name for the Elysian Fields, an Ancient Greek conception of the afterlife. It is a pristine utopia housed in a massive high-tech space station, where sprawling mansions abound and medical technologies have advanced to the point that all diseases are met with an instant cure.

Those who are unfortunate enough to be located outside of the Elysium realm must endure an overpopulated, poverty stricken, crime ridden, disease-filled world positioned far below the orbiting “Valhalla” in the sky.

Residents of Elysium vigorously enforce anti-immigration laws to keep the earthbound masses from entering their immaculate biosphere.

The film will undoubtedly rekindle immigration “reform,” legislation critical to the ultimate success of the globalist effort to destroy America and usher in an authoritarian one-world government and planet-wide serfdom enforced by a high-tech surveillance and police state.…


“People in this country have swallowed the blue pill”


(video) Mike Adams: “Be Divergent” Song – W/ Lyrics — “All this time, they told you be yourself / But then they scold you when you’re not like everyone else … They know that if you discover who you truly are / You might just go too far / And be divergent

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