
January 25. I had lots of fun with Rob Ossell and Rachael McIntosh as the first guest on their brand-new show Shadow Citizen. Topics included: my past, the Council on Foreign Relations, Israel, monarchies, Freemasonry, and Donald Trump’s positives vs. his Zionist connections.

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Perloff on Donald Trump:

“I’m concerned about the fact that he says he’s going to move that U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. If you look into the history of Zionism, and the desire to rebuild and tear down the mosque at the temple mount, and build a new Jewish temple there, which if you read the Bible and you read the prophecies there, it’s not a temple for Christ as so many dispensational Christians believe. It’s going to be a temple for the antichrist, a temple for the leader of this whole New World Order. And that, when you put it together, is a very frightening aspect to Donald Trump. …

He’s getting together a cabinet. It doesn’t look CFR to me. It looks Zionist. He’s surrounded by Zionists. … It looks like a war cabinet…he’s assembling.”

– James Perloff @ 45:55

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

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01 25 2017 James Perloff

Mentioned by James:
(video) “The Brotherhood of the Bell” (1970) – The Original Skull & Bones Movie – full length
(audio) James Perloff: “The Christian community doesn’t know it’s been taken over by the Rothschilds who created Israel. They’re taught that Israel is our friend, allies of the Christians, which they do not view themselves as” | On Trump & Jerusalem: “If you read the prophecies in the Bible, it’s not a temple for Christ, as so many dispensational Christians believe. It’s going to be a temple for the antichrist, a temple for the leader of this whole NWO • He’s getting together a cabinet that doesn’t look CFR to me. It looks Zionist. He’s surrounded by Zionists • It looks like a war cabinet” | 1st guest on the Shadow Citizen 1/25/17