Freedom from Alaska!

(vid) Really Graceful Unmasks Zionism in 10 Minutes — "Why do 'Christian' Zionists support this ethnic cleansing?"

“Why do ‘Christian’ Zionists support this ethnic cleansing with their silence?” – Really Graceful

The early Christians never supported evil.
Jesus warned of this Talmudic ‘leaven‘ of the Pharisees. They wanted Jesus to lead them in the racist, world domination plan.
Jesus told them:

“You are of your father the devil, and the lusts [passions] of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” (John 8:44)

Where are the peacemakers Jesus said His children must be?:

“Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.” (Mt. 5:9)

Really Graceful mentions what Jesus says in Revelation 2:9:

“I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.”

• • •

Zionism Unmasked in 10 minutes

Published on Feb 12, 2018

props to this lady


(vid) President Assad Fighting Against Christian Genocide in Syria – US-backed terrorists in Syria have been committed genocide against the Christian community. But President Bashar al Assad and the Syrian Arab Army have made great sacrifices to protect the Christians from being killed


(vid) BREAKING: Tulsi Gabbard demands answers from Defense Secretary James Mattis on attacking Syria unconstitutionally


  1. anarchyst

    The “beginning of the end” of traditional Catholicism was sealed with the infiltration of the Catholic Church “Vatican II Ecumenical Council” of the 1960s by Jews and Protestants who were involved in the “modernization” of the Catholic Church.
    Much Catholic ritual was discarded, as well as the promotion of the absolution of the Jews for Jesus Christ’s crucifixion and death, despite vitriolic Jewish hatred of Jesus Christ and Christianity which exists to this day. The fact is, the Jews DID get the Romans to crucify Jesus Christ and DID accept full responsibility for the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. As is the case today, they got others (Pontius Pilate) do do their “dirty work” for them…
    Abandoning the use of Latin in the Mass destroyed its “universality”. Previous to Vatican II, one could attend Mass anywhere in the Roman Catholic world and understand the meaning of the Mass.
    Prohibition of the celebration of the Tridentine Mass (except by special ecclesiastical permission) pushed many Catholics away from the new “Modern Mass” and the New Church, in general…It took a brave Archbishop Lefebvre and the Society of St. Pius X to “push back” against Vatican II and re-legitimize the celebration of the pre-Vatican II Tridentine Mass and other Catholic rites.
    In pre-Vatican II times, the priest (celebrant of the Mass) was considered to be a part of the congregation, and a representative of the people.
    By turning the priest around to face the congregation, the priest was no longer a representative, but an “actor”, diminishing his status and importance.
    One area where the Catholic Church could improve itself involves celibacy, which is NOT Church “dogma” or doctrine. Celibacy was put in place during the middle ages in order to keep Church property from being inherited by family and relatives of priests and bishops. Celibacy was based on purely financial considerations–nothing more. It is interesting to note that Episcopal (Anglican) priests who convert to Catholicism can bring their families with them to the Church while Roman Catholic priests are denied marriage.
    It was a grave mistake by the Church to de-legitimize pre-Vatican II principles.

    • I consider Roman Catholicism to be a huge deception from the start, when Constantine made it the state religion in Rome in the 4th century.
      Real Christianity doesn’t major in rituals, but in following Christ, being led by the Holy Spirit instead of the flesh.
      The priesthood was abolished when Jesus became our Priest forever, dying on the cross so that we can go directly to Him, instead of through priests.
      Much of what the Catholic church teaches isn’t biblical, but a mixture of tradition and even paganism that Constantine merged with watered down Christianity.

  2. anarchyst

    The church itself is a huge turn-off, and is doing as much to destroy Christianity as anything else, and that includes modern Baptists who would follow Graham.
    The local Baptists, Methodists, Lutherans, etc. (and they are typical of Protestants elsewhere) are more concerned with supporting Israel, doing trips to the third-world to “help” the locals, bringing in as many non-assimilable foreigners as possible to replace their disgusted flock, and play politics, rather than be a force for peace and American interests, help impoverished people locally, or support their traditions and community in a a non-political way.
    Local Christians would rather make yearly trips to Haiti where they build huts for Haitians than put a roof on a poor neighbor’s home. They’d rather give money and political support for Israel and “holocaust victims” than help or support poor locals, and they tend to do “relief work” in ghettos elsewhere rather than help the poor in front of them. It’s all about show and making themselves feel good and trendy. There’s nothing decent and practical about it. On a personal level it’s all about drama and finance. The Catholics are no better.
    Several local Lutherans have gone to China and Latin America to adopt children, instead of adopting poor children in America, when they have multiple children of their own. Christianity has always had flaws, but it is sick and degenerate now. What would Jesus think?

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