“..the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews, and they are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.”

– Jesus in Revelation 2:9

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David Icke, transcribed by me, starting at 4:30:

“The king of Khazaria, called King Bulan in 740 A.D., had a mass conversion of the population to Judaism. In fact, the king of Khazaria was called The Kagan. That’s why Kagan is such a common Jewish name today. And people talk about certain Jewish genetic traits. They talk about the Jewish nose and things like that. … That’s actually not a trait of Israel. It’s a trait of the Caucases. …

As the Khazarian empire broke up, they moved up north into Europe…, and then eventually moved across into Germany. These were the people known as Ashkenazi Jews that suffered under the Nazis, and founded the state of Israel, and many moved to America.

There was no, and there is no historic connection of today’s Jewish people to the land of Israel. It is a giant hoax.”

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The David Icke Videocast: Exposing The Lie On Israel’s Fake History – ‘The Cruellest Hoax’

Published on Jul 18, 2014