My Notes and transcriptions:

Instead of addressing the root cause issues and using inexpensive treatments that work, they’re killing people with ventilators:

15:45 “It doesn’t really get us anywhere when someone’s dying, being put on these ventilators. And we know there’s a 90% chance they’re going to die. What should be happening is people should be giving high dose, IV, vitamin C therapy. It’s a very, very proven solution, particularly in critical care. … Instead of not even talking about that, we are basically sentencing those people, talking about ‘ventilators, ventilators’…. The people in power … do not want to talk about this. … If the truth comes out that you can use a very, very low cost thing like vitamin C that has no side effects to do this, what will it mean to their long-term business? They don’t want this being the solution that’s plastered on the front page of every mainstream media. This is why mainstream media is not talking about this, because it means they’re going to have their advertising cut. Vitamin C is cheap, it’s pennies.”

22:00 Hydroxychloroquine does three things:
A) It protects the virus from attaching to the ACE2 receptor and getting into the cell
B) Like vitamin C, if it does get into the cell, it stops the RNA replication process
C) It stops the cytokine storm

HCQ also has many side effects.

“But if you say vitamin D, vitamin A, which will frankly do the exact same thing [as HCQ] with vitamin C. What does vitamin D do? It’s a thing that will destroy viruses. It’s antimicrobial. That’s why when you go out in the sun, your body creates vitamin D…, and you literally start blowing up the membranes of the viruses or the bacteria. … But the notion of getting vitamin D, it’s so simple. … The establishment does not want the k.i.s.s. principle. … That’s why vitamin D, which will literally be an antimicrobial — and by the way, 90% of the MDs don’t know this…. And vitamin A, which literally builds beautiful sheets/walls to protect the virus, so the viruses don’t even get in.”

44:40 “The amount of stress people endure from this fearmongering, you cannot underestimate that, and people fear being isolated from other people. This is the #1 source of issues with health.”

55:10 “The people who are dangerous are the dangerous people are the vulnerable, educated elites, because they are programmed, and they think they know better.”

Dr. Shiva Joins The Brigade! What Is The Solution To COVID1984?


Jason Bermas