I wholeheartedly support Dave Bronson for mayor of Anchorage. Robbins is shifty and friends with some key wrong people. Says he’s a Christian, but has a hard time controlling his tongue, which he also proved at a meeting I attended in which he was speaking last night.

He has the salesman personality — confidence man. Whereas Bronson is a straight shooter.

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So Robbins would shut down Anchorage if Covid 21 or 22 is worse. He thought the lockdown was a good idea at first because Covid was supposed to be so bad, minute-2:30. “It would make really good sense [to lock Anchorage down],” Robbins says.

Robbins believes masks work. It’s “common sense stuff,” he says at minute-7:25. It’s also common sense that people touch their masks and everything else, and people speak closer to one another because they falsely think their masks are protecting them. All of the RCT studies show that masks do not work too. And many studies now show that masks did not make a difference in the areas that mandated them.

The lockdowns and mandates are all unConstitutional medical tyranny.